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2Module that has convenience plotting functions for 2D atlas slices and flatmaps. 



5import iblatlas.plots as atlas_plots 

6from ibllib.atlas import deprecated_decorator 




10def prepare_lr_data(acronyms_lh, values_lh, acronyms_rh, values_rh): 

11 """ 

12 Prepare data in format needed for plotting when providing different region values per hemisphere 


14 :param acronyms_lh: array of acronyms on left hemisphere 

15 :param values_lh: values for each acronym on left hemisphere 

16 :param acronyms_rh: array of acronyms on right hemisphere 

17 :param values_rh: values for each acronym on left hemisphere 

18 :return: combined acronyms and two column array of values 

19 """ 


21 return atlas_plots.prepare_lr_data(acronyms_lh, values_lh, acronyms_rh, values_rh) 1b




25def reorder_data(acronyms, values, brain_regions=None): 

26 """ 

27 Reorder list of acronyms and values to match the Allen ordering. 


29 TODO Document more 


31 Parameters 

32 ---------- 

33 acronyms : array_like of str 

34 The acronyms to match the Allen ordering, whatever that means. 

35 values : array_like 

36 An array of some sort of values I guess... 

37 brain_regions : ibllib.atlas.regions.BrainRegions 

38 A brain regions object. 


40 Returns 

41 ------- 

42 numpy.array of str 

43 An ordered array of acronyms 

44 numpy.array 

45 An ordered array of values. I don't know what those values are, not IDs, so maybe indices? 

46 """ 


48 return atlas_plots.reorder_data(acronyms, values, brain_regions=brain_regions) 1c




52def plot_scalar_on_slice(regions, values, coord=-1000, slice='coronal', mapping=None, hemisphere='left', 

53 background='image', cmap='viridis', clevels=None, show_cbar=False, empty_color='silver', 

54 brain_atlas=None, ax=None, vector=False, slice_files=None, **kwargs): 

55 """ 

56 Function to plot scalar value per region on histology slice. 


58 Parameters 

59 ---------- 

60 regions : array_like 

61 An array of brain region acronyms. 

62 values : numpy.array 

63 An array of scalar value per acronym. If hemisphere is 'both' and different values want to 

64 be shown on each hemisphere, values should contain 2 columns, 1st column for LH values, 2nd 

65 column for RH values. 

66 coord : float 

67 Coordinate of slice in um (not needed when slice='top'). 

68 slice : {'coronal', 'sagittal', 'horizontal', 'top'}, default='coronal' 

69 Orientation of slice. 

70 mapping : str, optional 

71 Atlas mapping to use, options are depend on atlas used (see `ibllib.atlas.BrainRegions`). 

72 If None, the atlas default mapping is used. 

73 hemisphere : {'left', 'right', 'both'}, default='left' 

74 The hemisphere to display. 

75 background : {image', 'boundary'}, default='image' 

76 Background slice to overlay onto, options are 'image' or 'boundary'. If `vector` is false, 

77 this argument is ignored. 

78 cmap: str, default='viridis' 

79 Colormap to use. 

80 clevels : array_like 

81 The min and max color levels to use. 

82 show_cbar: bool, default=False 

83 Whether to display a colorbar. 

84 empty_color : str, default='silver' 

85 Color to use for regions without any values (only used when `vector` is true). 

86 brain_atlas : ibllib.atlas.AllenAtlas 

87 A brain atlas object. 

88 ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes 

89 An axis object to plot onto. 

90 vector : bool, default=False 

91 Whether to show as bitmap or vector graphic. 

92 slice_files: numpy.array 

93 The set of vectorised slices for this slice, obtained using `load_slice_files(slice, mapping)`. 

94 **kwargs 

95 Set of kwargs passed into matplotlib.patches.Polygon, e.g. linewidth=2, edgecolor='None' 

96 (only used when vector = True). 


98 Returns 

99 ------- 

100 fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure 

101 The plotted figure. 

102 ax: matplotlib.pyplot.Axes 

103 The plotted axes. 

104 cbar: matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar, optional 

105 matplotlib colorbar object, only returned if show_cbar=True. 

106 """ 


108 return (atlas_plots.plot_scalar_on_slice(regions, values, coord=coord, slice=slice, mapping=mapping, 

109 hemisphere=hemisphere, background=background, cmap=cmap, clevels=clevels, 

110 show_cbar=show_cbar, empty_color=empty_color, brain_atlas=brain_atlas, 

111 ax=ax, vector=vector, slice_files=slice_files, **kwargs)) 




115def plot_scalar_on_flatmap(regions, values, depth=0, flatmap='dorsal_cortex', mapping='Allen', hemisphere='left', 

116 background='boundary', cmap='viridis', clevels=None, show_cbar=False, flmap_atlas=None, ax=None): 

117 """ 

118 Function to plot scalar value per allen region on flatmap slice 


120 :param regions: array of acronyms of Allen regions 

121 :param values: array of scalar value per acronym. If hemisphere is 'both' and different values want to be shown on each 

122 hemispheres, values should contain 2 columns, 1st column for LH values, 2nd column for RH values 

123 :param depth: depth in flatmap in um 

124 :param flatmap: name of flatmap (currently only option is 'dorsal_cortex') 

125 :param mapping: atlas mapping to use, options are 'Allen', 'Beryl' or 'Cosmos' 

126 :param hemisphere: hemisphere to display, options are 'left', 'right', 'both' 

127 :param background: background slice to overlay onto, options are 'image' or 'boundary' 

128 :param cmap: colormap to use 

129 :param clevels: min max color levels [cmin, cmax] 

130 :param show_cbar: whether to add colorbar to axis 

131 :param flmap_atlas: FlatMap object 

132 :param ax: optional axis object to plot on 

133 :return: 

134 """ 


136 return atlas_plots.plot_scalar_on_slice(regions, values, depth=depth, flatmap=flatmap, mapping=mapping, 

137 hemisphere=hemisphere, background=background, cmap=cmap, clevels=clevels, 

138 show_cbar=show_cbar, flmap_atlas=flmap_atlas, ax=ax) 




142def plot_volume_on_slice(volume, coord=-1000, slice='coronal', mapping='Allen', background='boundary', cmap='Reds', 

143 clevels=None, show_cbar=False, brain_atlas=None, ax=None): 

144 """ 

145 Plot slice through a volume 


147 :param volume: 3D array of volume (must be same shape as brain_atlas object) 

148 :param coord: coordinate of slice in um 

149 :param slice: orientation of slice, options are 'coronal', 'sagittal', 'horizontal' 

150 :param mapping: atlas mapping to use, options are 'Allen', 'Beryl' or 'Cosmos' 

151 :param background: background slice to overlay onto, options are 'image' or 'boundary' 

152 :param cmap: colormap to use 

153 :param clevels: min max color levels [cmin, cmax] 

154 :param show_cbar: whether to add colorbar to axis 

155 :param brain_atlas: AllenAtlas object 

156 :param ax: optional axis object to plot on 

157 :return: 

158 """ 


160 return atlas_plots.plot_volume_on_slice(volume, coord=coord, slice=slice, mapping=mapping, background=background, 

161 cmap=cmap, clevels=clevels, show_cbar=show_cbar, brain_atlas=brain_atlas, 

162 ax=ax) 




166def plot_points_on_slice(xyz, values=None, coord=-1000, slice='coronal', mapping='Allen', background='boundary', cmap='Reds', 

167 clevels=None, show_cbar=False, aggr='mean', fwhm=100, brain_atlas=None, ax=None): 

168 """ 

169 Plot xyz points on slice. Points that lie in the same voxel within slice are aggregated according to method specified. 

170 A 3D Gaussian smoothing kernel with distance specified by fwhm is applied to images. 


172 :param xyz: 3 column array of xyz coordinates of points in metres 

173 :param values: array of values per xyz coordinates, if no values are given the sum of xyz points in each voxel is 

174 returned 

175 :param coord: coordinate of slice in um (not needed when slice='top') 

176 :param slice: orientation of slice, options are 'coronal', 'sagittal', 'horizontal', 'top' (top view of brain) 

177 :param mapping: atlas mapping to use, options are 'Allen', 'Beryl' or 'Cosmos' 

178 :param background: background slice to overlay onto, options are 'image' or 'boundary' 

179 :param cmap: colormap to use 

180 :param clevels: min max color levels [cmin, cmax] 

181 :param show_cbar: whether to add colorbar to axis 

182 :param aggr: aggregation method. Options are sum, count, mean, std, median, min and max. 

183 Can also give in custom function ( 

184 :param fwhm: fwhm distance of gaussian kernel in um 

185 :param brain_atlas: AllenAtlas object 

186 :param ax: optional axis object to plot on 


188 :return: 

189 """ 


191 return atlas_plots.plot_points_on_slice(xyz, values=values, coord=coord, slice=slice, mapping=mapping, 

192 background=background, cmap=cmap, clevels=clevels, show_cbar=show_cbar, 

193 aggr=aggr, fwhm=fwhm, brain_atlas=brain_atlas, ax=ax) 




197def plot_scalar_on_barplot(acronyms, values, errors=None, order=True, ax=None, brain_regions=None): 

198 """ 

199 Function to plot scalar value per allen region on a bar plot. If order=True, the acronyms and values are reordered 

200 according to the order defined in the Allen structure tree 


202 Parameters 

203 ---------- 

204 acronyms: numpy.array 

205 A 1D array of acronyms 

206 values: numpy.array 

207 A 1D array of values corresponding to each acronym in the acronyms array 

208 errors: numpy.array 

209 A 1D array of error values corresponding to each acronym in the acronyms array 

210 order: bool, default=True 

211 Whether to order the acronyms according to the order defined by the Allen structure tree 

212 ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes 

213 An axis object to plot onto. 

214 brain_regions : ibllib.atlas.regions.BrainRegions 

215 A brain regions object 


217 Returns 

218 ------- 

219 fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure 

220 The plotted figure 

221 ax: matplotlib.pyplot.Axes 

222 The plotted axes. 


224 """ 


226 return atlas_plots.plot_scalar_on_barplot(acronyms, values, errors=errors, order=order, ax=ax, 

227 brain_regions=brain_regions) 




231def plot_swanson_vector(acronyms=None, values=None, ax=None, hemisphere=None, br=None, orientation='landscape', 

232 empty_color='silver', vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap='viridis', annotate=False, annotate_n=10, 

233 annotate_order='top', annotate_list=None, mask=None, mask_color='w', fontsize=10, **kwargs): 

234 """ 

235 Function to plot scalar value per allen region on the swanson projection. Plots on a vecortised version of the 

236 swanson projection 


238 Parameters 

239 ---------- 

240 acronyms: numpy.array 

241 A 1D array of acronyms or atlas ids 

242 values: numpy.array 

243 A 1D array of values corresponding to each acronym in the acronyms array 

244 ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes 

245 An axis object to plot onto. 

246 hemisphere : {'left', 'right', 'both', 'mirror'} 

247 The hemisphere to display. 

248 br : ibllib.atlas.BrainRegions 

249 A brain regions object. 

250 orientation : {landscape', 'portrait'}, default='landscape' 

251 The plot orientation. 

252 empty_color : str, tuple of int, default='silver' 

253 The greyscale matplotlib color code or an RGBA int8 tuple defining the filling of brain 

254 regions not provided. 

255 vmin: float 

256 Minimum value to restrict the colormap 

257 vmax: float 

258 Maximum value to restrict the colormap 

259 cmap: string 

260 matplotlib named colormap to use 

261 annotate : bool, default=False 

262 If true, labels the regions with acronyms. 

263 annotate_n: int 

264 The number of regions to annotate 

265 annotate_order: {'top', 'bottom'} 

266 If annotate_n is specified, whether to annotate the n regions with the highest (top) or lowest (bottom) values 

267 annotate_list: numpy.array of list 

268 List of regions to annotate, if this is provided, if overwrites annotate_n and annotate_order 

269 mask: numpy.array or list 

270 List of regions to apply a mask to (fill them with a specific color) 

271 mask_color: string, tuple or list 

272 Color for the mask 

273 fontsize : int 

274 The annotation font size in points. 

275 **kwargs 

276 See plot_polygon and plot_polygon_with_hole. 


278 Returns 

279 ------- 

280 matplotlib.pyplot.Axes 

281 The plotted axes. 


283 """ 


285 return atlas_plots.plot_swanson_vector(acronyms=acronyms, values=values, ax=ax, hemisphere=hemisphere, br=br, 

286 orientation=orientation, empty_color=empty_color, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, 

287 cmap=cmap, annotate=annotate, annotate_n=annotate_n, 

288 annotate_order=annotate_order, annotate_list=annotate_list, mask=mask, 

289 mask_color=mask_color, fontsize=fontsize, **kwargs) 




293def plot_swanson(acronyms=None, values=None, ax=None, hemisphere=None, br=None, 

294 orientation='landscape', annotate=False, empty_color='silver', **kwargs): 

295 """ 

296 Displays the 2D image corresponding to the swanson flatmap. 


298 This case is different from the others in the sense that only a region maps to another regions, 

299 there is no correspondence to the spatial 3D coordinates. 


301 Parameters 

302 ---------- 

303 acronyms: numpy.array 

304 A 1D array of acronyms or atlas ids 

305 values: numpy.array 

306 A 1D array of values corresponding to each acronym in the acronyms array 

307 ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes 

308 An axis object to plot onto. 

309 hemisphere : {'left', 'right', 'both', 'mirror'} 

310 The hemisphere to display. 

311 br : ibllib.atlas.BrainRegions 

312 A brain regions object. 

313 orientation : {landscape', 'portrait'}, default='landscape' 

314 The plot orientation. 

315 empty_color : str, tuple of int, default='silver' 

316 The greyscale matplotlib color code or an RGBA int8 tuple defining the filling of brain 

317 regions not provided. 

318 vmin: float 

319 Minimum value to restrict the colormap 

320 vmax: float 

321 Maximum value to restrict the colormap 

322 cmap: string 

323 matplotlib named colormap to use 

324 annotate : bool, default=False 

325 If true, labels the regions with acronyms. 

326 **kwargs 

327 See matplotlib.pyplot.imshow. 


329 Returns 

330 ------- 

331 matplotlib.pyplot.Axes 

332 The plotted axes. 

333 """ 


335 return atlas_plots.plot_swanson(acronyms=acronyms, values=values, ax=ax, hemisphere=hemisphere, br=br, 

336 orientation=orientation, annotate=annotate, empty_color=empty_color, **kwargs)