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1import logging 

2import requests 

3import traceback 

4import json 

5import abc 

6import numpy as np 


8from one.api import ONE 

9from ibllib.pipes import tasks 

10from one.alf.exceptions import ALFObjectNotFound 

11from neuropixel import trace_header, TIP_SIZE_UM 


13from ibllib import __version__ as ibllib_version 

14from ibllib.pipes.ephys_alignment import EphysAlignment 

15from ibllib.pipes.histology import interpolate_along_track 

16from iblatlas.atlas import AllenAtlas 


18_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 



21class ReportSnapshot(tasks.Task): 


23 def __init__(self, session_path, object_id, content_type='session', **kwargs): 

24 self.object_id = object_id 1ab

25 self.content_type = content_type 1ab

26 self.images = [] 1ab

27 super(ReportSnapshot, self).__init__(session_path, **kwargs) 1ab


29 def _run(self, overwrite=False): 

30 # Can be used to generate the image if desired 

31 pass 


33 def register_images(self, widths=None, function=None, extra_dict=None): 

34 report_tag = '## report ##' 1ab

35 snapshot = Snapshot(, object_id=self.object_id, content_type=self.content_type) 1ab

36 jsons = [] 1ab

37 texts = [] 1ab

38 for f in self.outputs: 1ab

39 json_dict = dict(tag=report_tag, version=ibllib_version, 1ab

40 function=(function or str(self.__class__).split("'")[1]), name=f.stem) 

41 if extra_dict is not None: 1ab

42 assert isinstance(extra_dict, dict) 

43 json_dict.update(extra_dict) 

44 jsons.append(json_dict) 1ab

45 texts.append(f"{f.stem}") 1ab

46 return snapshot.register_images(self.outputs, jsons=jsons, texts=texts, widths=widths) 1ab



49class ReportSnapshotProbe(ReportSnapshot): 

50 signature = { 

51 'input_files': [], # see setUp method for declaration of inputs 

52 'output_files': [] # see setUp method for declaration of inputs 

53 } 


55 def __init__(self, pid, session_path=None, one=None, brain_regions=None, brain_atlas=None, **kwargs): 

56 """ 

57 :param pid: probe insertion UUID from Alyx 

58 :param one: one instance 

59 :param brain_regions: (optional) iblatlas.regions.BrainRegion object 

60 :param brain_atlas: (optional) iblatlas.atlas.AllenAtlas object 

61 :param kwargs: 

62 """ 

63 assert one 

64 = one 

65 self.brain_atlas = brain_atlas 

66 self.brain_regions = brain_regions 

67 if self.brain_atlas and not self.brain_regions: 

68 self.brain_regions = self.brain_atlas.regions 

69 self.content_type = 'probeinsertion' 

70 = pid 

71 self.eid, self.pname = 

72 self.session_path = session_path or 

73 self.output_directory = self.session_path.joinpath('snapshot', self.pname) 

74 self.output_directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) 

75 self.histology_status = None 

76 self.get_probe_signature() 

77 super(ReportSnapshotProbe, self).__init__(self.session_path, object_id=pid, content_type=self.content_type,, 

78 **kwargs) 


80 @property 

81 def pid_label(self): 

82 """returns a probe insertion stub to label titles, for example: 'SWC_054_2020-10-05_001_probe01'""" 

83 return '_'.join(list([-3:]) + [self.pname]) 


85 @abc.abstractmethod 

86 def get_probe_signature(self): 

87 # method that gets input and output signatures from the probe name. The format is a dictionary as follows: 

88 # return {'input_files': input_signature, 'output_files': output_signature} 

89 pass 


91 def get_histology_status(self): 

92 """ 

93 Finds at which point in histology pipeline the probe insertion is 

94 :return: 

95 """ 


97 self.hist_lookup = {'Resolved': 3, 

98 'Aligned': 2, 

99 'Traced': 1, 

100 None: 0} # is this bad practice? 


102 self.ins ='insertions', 'list',[0] 

103 traced = self.ins.get('json', {}).get('extended_qc', {}).get('tracing_exists', False) 

104 aligned = self.ins.get('json', {}).get('extended_qc', {}).get('alignment_count', 0) 

105 resolved = self.ins.get('json', {}).get('extended_qc', {}).get('alignment_resolved', False) 


107 if resolved: 

108 return 'Resolved' 

109 elif aligned > 0: 

110 return 'Aligned' 

111 elif traced: 

112 return 'Traced' 

113 else: 

114 return None 


116 def get_channels(self, alf_object, collection): 

117 electrodes = {} 


119 try: 

120 electrodes =, alf_object, collection=collection) 

121 electrodes['axial_um'] = electrodes['localCoordinates'][:, 1] 

122 except ALFObjectNotFound: 

123 _logger.warning(f'{alf_object} does not yet exist') 


125 if self.hist_lookup[self.histology_status] == 3: 

126 try: 

127 electrodes['atlas_id'] = electrodes['brainLocationIds_ccf_2017'] 

128 electrodes['mlapdv'] = electrodes['mlapdv'] / 1e6 

129 except KeyError: 

130 _logger.warning('Insertion resolved but brainLocationIds_ccf_2017 attribute do not exist') 


132 if self.hist_lookup[self.histology_status] > 0 and 'atlas_id' not in electrodes.keys(): 

133 if not self.brain_atlas: 

134 self.brain_atlas = AllenAtlas() 

135 self.brain_regions = self.brain_regions or self.brain_atlas.regions 

136 if 'localCoordinates' not in electrodes.keys(): 

137 geometry = trace_header(version=1) 

138 electrodes['localCoordinates'] = np.c_[geometry['x'], geometry['y']] 

139 electrodes['axial_um'] = electrodes['localCoordinates'][:, 1] 


141 depths = electrodes['localCoordinates'][:, 1] 

142 xyz = np.array(self.ins['json']['xyz_picks']) / 1e6 


144 if self.hist_lookup[self.histology_status] >= 2: 

145 traj ='trajectories', 'list', provenance='Ephys aligned histology track', 


147 align_key = self.ins['json']['extended_qc']['alignment_stored'] 

148 feature = traj['json'][align_key][0] 

149 track = traj['json'][align_key][1] 

150 ephysalign = EphysAlignment(xyz, depths, track_prev=track, 

151 feature_prev=feature, 

152 brain_atlas=self.brain_atlas, speedy=True) 

153 electrodes['mlapdv'] = ephysalign.get_channel_locations(feature, track) 

154 electrodes['atlas_id'] = self.brain_atlas.regions.get(self.brain_atlas.get_labels(electrodes['mlapdv']))['id'] 


156 if self.hist_lookup[self.histology_status] == 1: 

157 xyz = xyz[np.argsort(xyz[:, 2]), :] 

158 electrodes['mlapdv'] = interpolate_along_track(xyz, (depths + TIP_SIZE_UM) / 1e6) 

159 electrodes['atlas_id'] = self.brain_atlas.regions.get(self.brain_atlas.get_labels(electrodes['mlapdv']))['id'] 


161 return electrodes 


163 def register_images(self, widths=None, function=None): 

164 super(ReportSnapshotProbe, self).register_images(widths=widths, function=function, 

165 extra_dict={'channels': self.histology_status}) 



168class Snapshot: 

169 """ 

170 A class to register images in form of Notes, linked to an object on Alyx. 


172 :param object_id: The id of the object the image should be linked to 

173 :param content_type: Which type of object to link to, e.g. 'session', 'probeinsertion', 'subject', 

174 default is 'session' 

175 :param one: An ONE instance, if None is given it will be instantiated. 

176 """ 


178 def __init__(self, object_id, content_type='session', one=None): 

179 = one or ONE() 1hgfdeab

180 self.object_id = object_id 1hgfdeab

181 self.content_type = content_type 1hgfdeab

182 self.images = [] 1hgfdeab


184 def plot(self): 

185 """ 

186 Placeholder method to be overriden by child object 

187 :return: 

188 """ 

189 pass 


191 def generate_image(self, plt_func, plt_kwargs): 

192 """ 

193 Takes a plotting function and adds the output to the Snapshot.images list for registration 


195 :param plt_func: A plotting function that returns the path to an image. 

196 :param plt_kwargs: Dictionary with keyword arguments for the plotting function 

197 """ 

198 img_path = plt_func(**plt_kwargs) 1g

199 if isinstance(img_path, list): 1g

200 self.images.extend(img_path) 

201 else: 

202 self.images.append(img_path) 1g

203 return img_path 1g


205 def register_image(self, image_file, text='', json_field=None, width=None): 

206 """ 

207 Registers an image as a Note, attached to the object specified by Snapshot.object_id 


209 :param image_file: Path to the image to to registered 

210 :param text: str, text to describe the image, defaults ot empty string 

211 :param json_field: dict, to be added to the json field of the Note 

212 :param width: width to scale the image to, defaults to None (scale to UPLOADED_IMAGE_WIDTH in, 

213 other options are 'orig' (don't change size) or any integer (scale to width=int, aspect ratios won't be changed) 


215 :returns: dict, note as registered in database 

216 """ 

217 # the protocol is not compatible with byte streaming and json, so serialize the json object here 

218 # Make sure that user is logged in, if not, try to log in 

219 assert, 'No Alyx user is logged in, try running one.alyx.authenticate() first' 1fdeab

220 note = { 1fdeab

221 'user':, 'content_type': self.content_type, 'object_id': self.object_id, 

222 'text': text, 'width': width, 'json': json.dumps(json_field)} 

223'Registering image to {self.content_type} with id {self.object_id}') 1fdeab

224 # to make sure an eventual note gets deleted with the image call the delete REST endpoint first 

225 current_note ='notes', 'list', 1fdeab

226 django=f"object_id,{self.object_id},text,{text},json__name,{text}", 

227 no_cache=True) 

228 if len(current_note) == 1: 1fdeab

229'notes', 'delete', id=current_note[0]['id']) 1ab

230 # Open image for upload 

231 fig_open = open(image_file, 'rb') 1fdeab

232 # Catch error that results from object_id - content_type mismatch 

233 try: 1fdeab

234 note_db ='notes', 'create', data=note, files={'image': fig_open}) 1fdeab

235 return note_db 1fdeab

236 except requests.HTTPError as e: 1e

237 if 'matching query does not exist' in str(e): 1e

238 _logger.error(f'The object_id {self.object_id} does not match an object of type {self.content_type}') 1e

239 _logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) 1e

240 else: 

241 raise e 

242 finally: 

243 fig_open.close() 1fdeab


245 def register_images(self, image_list=None, texts=None, widths=None, jsons=None): 

246 """ 

247 Registers a list of images as Notes, attached to the object specified by Snapshot.object_id. 

248 The images can be passed as image_list. If None are passed, will try to register the images in Snapshot.images. 


250 :param image_list: List of paths to the images to to registered. If None, will try to register any images in 

251 Snapshot.images 

252 :param texts: List of text to describe the images. If len(texts)==1, the same text will be used for all images 

253 :param widths: List of width to scale the figure to (see Snapshot.register_image). If len(widths)==1, 

254 the same width will be used for all images 

255 :param jsons: List of dictionaries to populate the json field of the note in Alyx. If len(jsons)==1, 

256 the same dict will be used for all images 

257 :returns: list of dicts, notes as registered in database 

258 """ 

259 if not image_list or len(image_list) == 0: 1dab

260 if len(self.images) == 0: 1d

261 _logger.warning( 1d

262 "No figures were passed to register_figures, and self.figures is empty. No figures to register") 

263 return 1d

264 else: 

265 image_list = self.images 1d

266 widths = widths or [None] 1dab

267 texts = texts or [''] 1dab

268 jsons = jsons or [None] 1dab


270 if len(texts) == 1: 1dab

271 texts = len(image_list) * texts 1d

272 if len(widths) == 1: 1dab

273 widths = len(image_list) * widths 1dab

274 if len(jsons) == 1: 1dab

275 jsons = len(image_list) * jsons 1d

276 note_dbs = [] 1dab

277 for figure, text, width, json_field in zip(image_list, texts, widths, jsons): 1dab

278 note_dbs.append(self.register_image(figure, text=text, width=width, json_field=json_field)) 1dab

279 return note_dbs 1dab