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1"""Miscellaneous pipeline utility functions.""" 

2import ctypes 

3import hashlib 

4import json 

5import os 

6import re 

7import shutil 

8import subprocess 

9import sys 

10import time 

11import logging 

12import warnings 

13from functools import wraps 

14from pathlib import Path 

15from typing import Union, List, Callable, Any 

16from inspect import signature 

17import uuid 

18import socket 

19import traceback 

20import tempfile 


22import spikeglx 

23from import hashfile, params 

24from iblutil.util import range_str 

25from one.alf.files import get_session_path 

26from one.alf.spec import is_uuid_string, is_session_path, describe 

27from one.api import ONE 


29import as flags 

30import as raw 

31from import delete_empty_folders 

32import as sess_params 


34log = logging.getLogger(__name__) 


36DEVICE_FLAG_MAP = {'neuropixel': 'ephys', 

37 'cameras': 'video', 

38 'widefield': 'widefield', 

39 'sync': 'sync'} 



42def subjects_data_folder(folder: Path, rglob: bool = False) -> Path: 

43 """Given a root_data_folder will try to find a 'Subjects' data folder. 


45 If Subjects folder is passed will return it directly.""" 

46 if not isinstance(folder, Path): 1imfdage

47 folder = Path(folder) 1fdge

48 if rglob: 1imfdage

49 func = folder.rglob 1imfdage

50 else: 

51 func = folder.glob 


53 # Try to find Subjects folder one level 

54 if != 'subjects': 1imfdage

55 # Try to find Subjects folder if folder.glob 

56 spath = [x for x in func('*') if == 'subjects'] 1imfdage

57 if not spath: 1imfdage

58 raise ValueError('No "Subjects" folder in children folders') 

59 elif len(spath) > 1: 1imfdage

60 raise ValueError(f'Multiple "Subjects" folder in children folders: {spath}') 

61 else: 

62 folder = folder / spath[0] 1imfdage


64 return folder 1imfdage



67def cli_ask_default(prompt: str, default: str): 

68 """ 

69 Prompt the user for input, display the default option and return user input or default 

70 :param prompt: String to display to user 

71 :param default: The default value to return if user doesn't enter anything 

72 :return: User input or default 

73 """ 

74 return input(f'{prompt} [default: {default}]: ') or default 1j



77def cli_ask_options(prompt: str, options: list, default_idx: int = 0) -> str: 

78 parsed_options = [str(x) for x in options] 

79 if default_idx is not None: 

80 parsed_options[default_idx] = f"[{parsed_options[default_idx]}]" 

81 options_str = " (" + " | ".join(parsed_options) + ")> " 

82 ans = input(prompt + options_str) or str(options[default_idx]) 

83 if ans not in [str(x) for x in options]: 

84 return cli_ask_options(prompt, options, default_idx=default_idx) 

85 return ans 



88def behavior_exists(session_path: str, include_devices=False) -> bool: 

89 """ 

90 Returns True if the session has a task behaviour folder 

91 :param session_path: 

92 :return: 

93 """ 

94 session_path = Path(session_path) 1zcfdage

95 if include_devices and session_path.joinpath("_devices").exists(): 1zcfdage

96 return True 

97 if session_path.joinpath("raw_behavior_data").exists(): 1zcfdage

98 return True 1zcfdage

99 return any(session_path.glob('raw_task_data_*')) 1zca



102def check_transfer(src_session_path, dst_session_path): 

103 """ 

104 Check all the files in the source directory match those in the destination directory. Function 

105 will throw assertion errors/exceptions if number of files do not match, file names do not 

106 match, or if file sizes do not match. 


108 :param src_session_path: The source directory that was copied 

109 :param dst_session_path: The copy target directory 

110 """ 

111 src_files = sorted([x for x in Path(src_session_path).rglob('*') if x.is_file()]) 1y

112 dst_files = sorted([x for x in Path(dst_session_path).rglob('*') if x.is_file()]) 1y

113 assert len(src_files) == len(dst_files), 'Not all files transferred' 1y

114 for s, d in zip(src_files, dst_files): 1y

115 assert ==, 'file name mismatch' 1y

116 assert s.stat().st_size == d.stat().st_size, 'file size mismatch' 1y



119def rename_session(session_path: str, new_subject=None, new_date=None, new_number=None, 

120 ask: bool = False) -> Path: 

121 """Rename a session. Prompts the user for the new subject name, data and number and then moves 

122 session path to new session path. 


124 :param session_path: A session path to rename 

125 :type session_path: str 

126 :param new_subject: A new subject name, if none provided, the user is prompted for one 

127 :param new_date: A new session date, if none provided, the user is prompted for one 

128 :param new_number: A new session number, if none provided, the user is prompted for one 

129 :param ask: used to ensure prompt input from user, defaults to False 

130 :type ask: bool 

131 :return: The renamed session path 

132 :rtype: Path 

133 """ 

134 session_path = get_session_path(session_path) 1p

135 if session_path is None: 1p

136 raise ValueError('Session path not valid ALF session folder') 1p

137 mouse =[-3] 1p

138 date =[-2] 1p

139 sess =[-1] 1p

140 new_mouse = new_subject or mouse 1p

141 new_date = new_date or date 1p

142 new_sess = new_number or sess 1p

143 if ask: 1p

144 new_mouse = input(f"Please insert subject NAME [current value: {mouse}]> ") 1p

145 new_date = input(f"Please insert new session DATE [current value: {date}]> ") 1p

146 new_sess = input(f"Please insert new session NUMBER [current value: {sess}]> ") 1p


148 new_session_path = Path(*[:-3]).joinpath(new_mouse, new_date, 1p

149 new_sess.zfill(3)) 

150 assert is_session_path(new_session_path), 'invalid subject, date or number' 1p


152 if new_session_path.exists(): 1p

153 ans = input(f'Warning: session path {new_session_path} already exists.\nWould you like to ' 

154 f'move {new_session_path} to a backup directory? [y/N] ') 

155 if (ans or 'n').lower() in ['n', 'no']: 

156 print(f'Manual intervention required, data exists in the following directory: ' 

157 f'{session_path}') 

158 return 

159 if backup_session(new_session_path): 

160 print(f'Backup was successful, removing directory {new_session_path}...') 

161 shutil.rmtree(str(new_session_path), ignore_errors=True) 

162 shutil.move(str(session_path), str(new_session_path)) 1p

163 print(session_path, "--> renamed to:") 1p

164 print(new_session_path) 1p


166 return new_session_path 1p



169def backup_session(folder_path, root=None, extra=''): 

170 """ 

171 Used to move the contents of a session to a backup folder, likely before the folder is 

172 removed. 


174 Parameters 

175 ---------- 

176 folder_path : str, pathlib.Path 

177 The folder path to remove. 

178 root : str, pathlib.Path 

179 Copy folder tree relative to this. If None, copies from the session_path root. 

180 extra : str, pathlib.Path 

181 Extra folder parts to append to destination root path. 


183 Returns 

184 ------- 

185 pathlib.Path 

186 The location of the backup data, if succeeded to copy. 

187 """ 

188 if not root: 1q

189 if session_path := get_session_path(folder_path): 1q

190 root = session_path.parents[2] 1q

191 else: 

192 root = folder_path.parent 1q

193 folder_path = Path(folder_path) 1q

194 bk_path = Path(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'backup_sessions', extra, folder_path.relative_to(root)) 1q

195 if folder_path.exists(): 1q

196 if not folder_path.is_dir(): 1q

197 log.error(f'The given folder path is not a directory: {folder_path}') 1q

198 return 1q

199 try: 1q

200 log.debug(f'Created path: {bk_path.parent}') 1q

201 bk_path = shutil.copytree(folder_path, bk_path) 1q

202'Copied contents from {folder_path} to {bk_path}') 1q

203 return bk_path 1q

204 except FileExistsError: 1q

205 log.error(f'A backup session for the given path already exists: {bk_path}, ' 1q

206 f'manual intervention is necessary.') 

207 except shutil.Error as ex: 1q

208 log.error('Failed to copy files from %s to %s: %s', folder_path, bk_path, ex) 1q

209 else: 

210 log.error('The given session path does not exist: %s', folder_path) 1q



213def copy_with_check(src, dst, **kwargs): 

214 dst = Path(dst) 

215 if dst.exists() and Path(src).stat().st_size == dst.stat().st_size: 

216 return dst 

217 elif dst.exists(): 

218 dst.unlink() 

219 return shutil.copy2(src, dst, **kwargs) 



222def transfer_session_folders(local_sessions: list, remote_subject_folder, subfolder_to_transfer): 

223 """ 

224 Used to determine which local session folders should be transferred to which remote session folders, will prompt the user 

225 when necessary. 


227 Parameters 

228 ---------- 

229 local_sessions : list 

230 Required list of local session folder paths to sync to local server. 

231 remote_subject_folder : str, pathlib.Path 

232 The remote location of the subject folder (typically pulled from the params). 

233 subfolder_to_transfer : str 

234 Which subfolder to sync 


236 Returns 

237 ------- 

238 list of tuples 

239 For each session, a tuple of (source, destination) of attempted file transfers. 

240 list of bool 

241 A boolean True/False for success/failure of the transfer. 

242 """ 

243 transfer_list = [] # list of sessions to transfer 1cfdage

244 skip_list = "" # "list" of sessions to skip and the reason for the skip 1cfdage

245 # Iterate through all local sessions in the given list 

246 for local_session in local_sessions: 1cfdage

247 # Set expected remote_session location and perform simple error state checks 

248 remote_session = remote_subject_folder.joinpath(*[-3:]) 1cfdage

249 # Skip session if ... 

250 if subfolder_to_transfer: 1cfdage

251 if not local_session.joinpath(subfolder_to_transfer).exists(): 1cfdage

252 msg = f"{local_session} - skipping session, no '{subfolder_to_transfer}' folder found locally" 

253 log.warning(msg) 

254 skip_list += msg + "\n" 

255 continue 

256 if not remote_session.parent.exists(): 1cfdage

257 msg = f"{local_session} - no matching remote session date folder found for the given local session" 1ca

258 1ca

259 skip_list += msg + "\n" 1ca

260 continue 1ca

261 if not behavior_exists(remote_session): 1cfdage

262 msg = f"{local_session} - skipping session, no behavior data found in remote folder {remote_session}" 1ca

263 log.warning(msg) 1ca

264 skip_list += msg + "\n" 1ca

265 continue 1ca


267 # Determine if there are multiple session numbers from the date path 

268 local_sessions_for_date = get_session_numbers_from_date_path(local_session.parent) 1cfdage

269 remote_sessions_for_date = get_session_numbers_from_date_path(remote_session.parent) 1cfdage

270 remote_session_pick = None 1cfdage

271 if len(local_sessions_for_date) > 1 or len(remote_sessions_for_date) > 1: 1cfdage

272 # Format folder size output for end user to review 

273 local_session_numbers_with_size = remote_session_numbers_with_size = "" 1ca

274 for lsfd in local_sessions_for_date: 1ca

275 size_in_gb = round(get_directory_size(local_session.parent / lsfd, in_gb=True), 2) 1ca

276 local_session_numbers_with_size += lsfd + " (" + str(size_in_gb) + " GB)\n" 1ca

277 for rsfd in remote_sessions_for_date: 1ca

278 size_in_gb = round(get_directory_size(remote_session.parent / rsfd, in_gb=True), 2) 1ca

279 remote_session_numbers_with_size += rsfd + " (" + str(size_in_gb) + " GB)\n" 1ca

280"\n\nThe following local session folder(s) were found on this acquisition PC:\n\n" 1ca

281 f"{''.join(local_session_numbers_with_size)}\nThe following remote session folder(s) were found on the " 

282 f"server:\n\n{''.join(remote_session_numbers_with_size)}\n") 


284 def _remote_session_picker(sessions_for_date): 1ca

285 resp = "s" 1ca

286 resp_invalid = True 1ca

287 while resp_invalid: # loop until valid user input 1ca

288 resp = input(f"\n\n--- USER INPUT NEEDED ---\nWhich REMOTE session number would you like to transfer your " 1ca

289 f"local session to? Options {range_str(map(int, sessions_for_date))} or " 

290 f"[s]kip/[h]elp/[e]xit> ").strip().lower() 

291 if resp == "h": 1ca

292 print("An example session filepath:\n") 

293 describe("number") # Explain what a session number is 

294 input("Press enter to continue") 

295 elif resp == "s" or resp == "e": # exit loop 1ca

296 resp_invalid = False 

297 elif len(resp) <= 3: 1ca

298 resp_invalid = False if [i for i in sessions_for_date if int(resp) == int(i)] else None 1ca

299 else: 

300 print("Invalid response. Please try again.") 

301 return resp 1ca


303"Evaluation for local session " 1ca

304 f"{[-3]}/{[-2]}/{[-1]}...") 

305 user_response = _remote_session_picker(remote_sessions_for_date) 1ca

306 if user_response == "s": 1ca

307 msg = f"{local_session} - Local session skipped due to user input" 


309 skip_list += msg + "\n" 

310 continue 

311 elif user_response == "e": 1ca

312"Exiting, no files transferred.") 

313 return 

314 else: 

315 remote_session_pick = remote_session.parent / user_response.zfill(3) 1ca


317 # Append to the transfer_list 

318 transfer_tuple = (local_session, remote_session_pick) if remote_session_pick else (local_session, remote_session) 1cfdage

319 transfer_list.append(transfer_tuple) 1cfdage

320"{transfer_tuple[0]}, {transfer_tuple[1]} - Added to the transfer list") 1cfdage


322 # Verify that the number of local transfer_list entries match the number of remote transfer_list entries 

323 if len(transfer_list) != len(set(dst for _, dst in transfer_list)): 1cfdage

324 raise RuntimeError( 

325 "An invalid combination of sessions were picked; the most likely cause of this error is multiple local " 

326 "sessions being selected for a single remote session. Please rerun the script." 

327 ) 


329 # Call rsync/rdiff function for every entry in the transfer list 

330 success = [] 1cfdage

331 for src, dst in transfer_list: 1cfdage

332 if subfolder_to_transfer: 1cfdage

333 success.append(rsync_paths(src / subfolder_to_transfer, dst / subfolder_to_transfer)) 1cfdage

334 else: 

335 success.append(rsync_paths(src, dst)) 

336 if not success[-1]: 1cfdage

337 log.error("File transfer failed, check log for reason.") 


339 # Notification to user for any transfers were skipped 

340 log.warning(f"Video transfers that were not completed:\n\n{skip_list}") if skip_list else"No transfers skipped.") 1cfdage

341 return transfer_list, success 1cfdage



344def transfer_folder(src: Path, dst: Path, force: bool = False) -> None: 

345 """functionality has been replaced by transfer_session_folders function""" 

346 print(f"Attempting to copy:\n{src}\n--> {dst}") 

347 if force: 

348 print(f"Removing {dst}") 

349 shutil.rmtree(dst, ignore_errors=True) 

350 else: 

351 try: 

352 check_transfer(src, dst) 

353 print("All files already copied, use force=True to re-copy") 

354 return 

355 except AssertionError: 

356 pass 

357 print(f"Copying all files:\n{src}\n--> {dst}") 

358 # rsync_folder(src, dst, '**transfer_me.flag') 

359 if sys.version_info.minor < 8: 

360 # dirs_exist_ok kwarg not supported in < 3.8 

361 shutil.rmtree(dst, ignore_errors=True) 

362 shutil.copytree(src, dst, copy_function=copy_with_check) 

363 else: 

364 shutil.copytree(src, dst, dirs_exist_ok=True, copy_function=copy_with_check) 

365 # If folder was created delete the src_flag_file 

366 if check_transfer(src, dst) is None: 

367 print("All files copied") 

368 # rdiff-backup --compare /tmp/tmpw9o1zgn0 /tmp/tmp82gg36rm 

369 # No changes found. Directory matches archive data. 



372def load_params_dict(params_fname: str) -> dict: 

373 params_fpath = Path(params.getfile(params_fname)) 

374 if not params_fpath.exists(): 

375 return None 

376 with open(params_fpath, "r") as f: 

377 out = json.load(f) 

378 return out 



381def load_videopc_params(): 

382 """(DEPRECATED) This will be removed in favour of iblrigv8 functions.""" 

383 warnings.warn('load_videopc_params will be removed in favour of iblrigv8', FutureWarning) 

384 if not load_params_dict("videopc_params"): 

385 create_videopc_params() 

386 return load_params_dict("videopc_params") 



389def load_ephyspc_params(): 

390 if not load_params_dict("ephyspc_params"): 

391 create_ephyspc_params() 

392 return load_params_dict("ephyspc_params") 



395def create_basic_transfer_params(param_str='transfer_params', local_data_path=None, 

396 remote_data_path=None, clobber=False, **kwargs): 

397 """Create some basic parameters common to all acquisition rigs. 


399 Namely prompt user for the local root data path and the remote (lab server) data path. 

400 NB: All params stored in uppercase by convention. 


402 Parameters 

403 ---------- 

404 param_str : str 

405 The name of the parameters to load/save. 

406 local_data_path : str, pathlib.Path 

407 The local root data path, stored with the DATA_FOLDER_PATH key. If None, user is prompted. 

408 remote_data_path : str, pathlib.Path, bool 

409 The local root data path, stored with the REMOTE_DATA_FOLDER_PATH key. If None, user is prompted. 

410 If False, the REMOTE_DATA_PATH key is not updated or is set to False if clobber = True. 

411 clobber : bool 

412 If True, any parameters in existing parameter file not found as keyword args will be removed, 

413 otherwise the user is prompted for these also. 

414 **kwargs 

415 Extra parameters to set. If value is None, the user is prompted. 


417 Returns 

418 ------- 

419 dict 

420 The parameters written to disc. 


422 Examples 

423 -------- 

424 Set up basic transfer parameters for modality acquisition PC 


426 >>> par = create_basic_transfer_params() 


428 Set up basic transfer paramers without prompting the user 


430 >>> par = create_basic_transfer_params( 

431 ... local_data_path='/iblrig_data/Subjects', 

432 ... remote_data_path='/mnt/') 


434 Prompt user for extra parameter using custom prompt (will call function with current default) 


436 >>> from functools import partial 

437 >>> par = create_basic_transfer_params( 

438 ... custom_arg=partial(cli_ask_default, 'Please enter custom arg value')) 


440 Set up with no remote path (NB: if not the first time, use clobber=True to save param key) 


442 >>> par = create_basic_transfer_params(remote_data_path=False) 


444 """ 

445 parameters = params.as_dict(, {})) or {} 1jrsfdge

446 if local_data_path is None: 1jrsfdge

447 local_data_path = parameters.get('DATA_FOLDER_PATH') 1jrs

448 if not local_data_path or clobber: 1jrs

449 local_data_path = cli_ask_default("Where's your LOCAL 'Subjects' data folder?", local_data_path) 1j

450 parameters['DATA_FOLDER_PATH'] = local_data_path 1jrsfdge


452 if remote_data_path is None: 1jrsfdge

453 remote_data_path = parameters.get('REMOTE_DATA_FOLDER_PATH') 1jrs

454 if remote_data_path in (None, '') or clobber: 1jrs

455 remote_data_path = cli_ask_default("Where's your REMOTE 'Subjects' data folder?", remote_data_path) 1j

456 if remote_data_path is not False: 1jrsfdge

457 parameters['REMOTE_DATA_FOLDER_PATH'] = remote_data_path 1jrsfdge

458 elif 'REMOTE_DATA_FOLDER_PATH' not in parameters or clobber: 1j

459 parameters['REMOTE_DATA_FOLDER_PATH'] = False # Always assume no remote path 1j


461 # Deal with extraneous parameters 

462 for k, v in kwargs.items(): 1jrsfdge

463 if callable(v): # expect function handle with default value as input 1j

464 n_pars = len(signature(v).parameters) 1j

465 parameters[k.upper()] = v(parameters.get(k.upper())) if n_pars > 0 else v() 1j

466 elif v is None: # generic prompt for key 1j

467 parameters[k.upper()] = cli_ask_default( 1j

468 f'Enter a value for parameter {k.upper()}', parameters.get(k.upper()) 

469 ) 

470 else: # assign value to parameter 

471 parameters[k.upper()] = str(v) 1j


473 defined = list(map(str.upper, ('DATA_FOLDER_PATH', 'REMOTE_DATA_FOLDER_PATH', 'TRANSFER_LABEL', *kwargs.keys()))) 1jrsfdge

474 if clobber: 1jrsfdge

475 # Delete any parameters in parameter dict that were not passed as keyword args into function 

476 parameters = {k: v for k, v in parameters.items() if k in defined} 1j

477 else: 

478 # Prompt for any other parameters that weren't passed into function 

479 for k in filter(lambda x: x not in defined, map(str.upper, parameters.keys())): 1jrsfdge

480 parameters[k] = cli_ask_default(f'Enter a value for parameter {k}', parameters.get(k)) 1j


482 if 'TRANSFER_LABEL' not in parameters: 1jrsfdge

483 parameters['TRANSFER_LABEL'] = f'{socket.gethostname()}_{uuid.getnode()}' 1j


485 # Write parameters 

486 params.write(param_str, parameters) 1jrsfdge

487 return parameters 1jrsfdge



490def create_videopc_params(force=False, silent=False): 

491 """(DEPRECATED) This will be removed in favour of iblrigv8 functions.""" 

492 url = '' 

493 warnings.warn(f'create_videopc_params is deprecated, see {url}', FutureWarning) 

494 if Path(params.getfile("videopc_params")).exists() and not force: 

495 print(f"{params.getfile('videopc_params')} exists already, exiting...") 

496 print(Path(params.getfile("videopc_params")).exists()) 

497 return 

498 if silent: 

499 data_folder_path = r"D:\iblrig_data\Subjects" 

500 remote_data_folder_path = r"\\\ibldata\Subjects" 

501 body_cam_idx = 0 

502 left_cam_idx = 1 

503 right_cam_idx = 2 

504 else: 

505 data_folder_path = cli_ask_default( 

506 r"Where's your LOCAL 'Subjects' data folder?", r"D:\iblrig_data\Subjects" 

507 ) 

508 remote_data_folder_path = cli_ask_default( 

509 r"Where's your REMOTE 'Subjects' data folder?", 

510 r"\\\ibldata\Subjects", 

511 ) 

512 body_cam_idx = cli_ask_default("Please select the index of the BODY camera", "0") 

513 left_cam_idx = cli_ask_default("Please select the index of the LEFT camera", "1") 

514 right_cam_idx = cli_ask_default("Please select the index of the RIGHT camera", "2") 


516 param_dict = { 

517 "DATA_FOLDER_PATH": data_folder_path, 

518 "REMOTE_DATA_FOLDER_PATH": remote_data_folder_path, 

519 "BODY_CAM_IDX": body_cam_idx, 

520 "LEFT_CAM_IDX": left_cam_idx, 

521 "RIGHT_CAM_IDX": right_cam_idx, 

522 } 

523 params.write("videopc_params", param_dict) 

524 print(f"Created {params.getfile('videopc_params')}") 

525 print(param_dict) 

526 return param_dict 



529def create_ephyspc_params(force=False, silent=False): 

530 if Path(params.getfile("ephyspc_params")).exists() and not force: 

531 print(f"{params.getfile('ephyspc_params')} exists already, exiting...") 

532 print(Path(params.getfile("ephyspc_params")).exists()) 

533 return 

534 if silent: 

535 data_folder_path = r"D:\iblrig_data\Subjects" 

536 remote_data_folder_path = r"\\\ibldata\Subjects" 

537 probe_types = {"PROBE_TYPE_00": "3A", "PROBE_TYPE_01": "3B"} 

538 else: 

539 data_folder_path = cli_ask_default( 

540 r"Where's your LOCAL 'Subjects' data folder?", r"D:\iblrig_data\Subjects" 

541 ) 

542 remote_data_folder_path = cli_ask_default( 

543 r"Where's your REMOTE 'Subjects' data folder?", 

544 r"\\\ibldata\Subjects", 

545 ) 

546 n_probes = int(cli_ask_default("How many probes are you using?", '2')) 

547 assert 100 > n_probes > 0, 'Please enter number between 1, 99 inclusive' 

548 probe_types = {} 

549 for i in range(n_probes): 

550 probe_types[f'PROBE_TYPE_{i:02}'] = cli_ask_options( 

551 f"What's the type of PROBE {i:02}?", ["3A", "3B"]) 

552 param_dict = { 

553 "DATA_FOLDER_PATH": data_folder_path, 

554 "REMOTE_DATA_FOLDER_PATH": remote_data_folder_path, 

555 **probe_types 

556 } 

557 params.write("ephyspc_params", param_dict) 

558 print(f"Created {params.getfile('ephyspc_params')}") 

559 print(param_dict) 

560 return param_dict 



563def rdiff_install() -> bool: 

564 """ 

565 For windows: 

566 * if the rdiff-backup executable does not already exist on the system 

567 * downloads rdiff-backup zip file 

568 * copies the executable to the C:\tools folder 


570 For linux/mac: 

571 * runs a pip install rdiff-backup 


573 Returns: 

574 True when install is successful, False when an error is encountered 

575 """ 

576 if == "nt": 1Bi

577 # ensure tools folder exists 

578 tools_folder = "C:\\tools\\" 

579 os.mkdir(tools_folder) if not Path(tools_folder).exists() else None 


581 rdiff_cmd_loc = tools_folder + "rdiff-backup.exe" 

582 if not Path(rdiff_cmd_loc).exists(): 

583 import requests 

584 import zipfile 

585 from io import BytesIO 


587 url = "" 

588"Downloading zip file for rdiff-backup.") 

589 # Download the file by sending the request to the URL, ensure success by status code 

590 if requests.get(url).status_code == 200: 

591"Download complete for rdiff-backup zip file.") 

592 # extracting the zip file contents 

593 zipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(requests.get(url).content)) 

594 zipfile.extractall("C:\\Temp") 

595 rdiff_folder_name = zipfile.namelist()[0] # attempting a bit of future-proofing 

596 # move the executable to the C:\tools folder 

597 shutil.copy("C:\\Temp\\" + rdiff_folder_name + "rdiff-backup.exe", rdiff_cmd_loc) 

598 shutil.rmtree("C:\\Temp\\" + rdiff_folder_name) # cleanup temp folder 

599 try: # attempt to call the rdiff command 

600[rdiff_cmd_loc, "--version"], check=True) 

601 except (FileNotFoundError, subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e: 

602 log.error("rdiff-backup installation did not complete.\n", e) 

603 return False 

604 return True 

605 else: 

606 log.error("Download request status code not 200, something did not go as expected.") 

607 return False 

608 else: # anything not Windows 

609 try: # package should not be installed via the requirements.txt to accommodate windows 1Bi

610["pip", "install", "rdiff-backup"], check=True) 1Bi

611 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: 

612 log.error("rdiff-backup pip install did not complete.\n", e) 

613 return False 

614 return True 1Bi



617def get_directory_size(dir_path: Path, in_gb=False) -> float: 

618 """ 

619 Used to determine total size of all files in a given session_path, including all child directories 


621 Args: 

622 dir_path (Path): path we want to get the total size of 

623 in_gb (bool): set to True for returned value to be in gigabytes 


625 Returns: 

626 float: sum of all files in the given directory path (in bytes by default, in GB if specified) 

627 """ 

628 total = 0 1ca

629 with iter(os.scandir(dir_path)) as it: 1ca

630 for entry in it: 1ca

631 if entry.is_file(): 1ca

632 total += entry.stat().st_size 1ca

633 elif entry.is_dir(): 1ca

634 total += get_directory_size(entry.path) 1ca

635 if in_gb: 1ca

636 return total / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 # in GB 1ca

637 return total # in bytes 1ca



640def get_session_numbers_from_date_path(date_path: Path) -> list: 

641 """ 

642 Retrieves session numbers when given a date path 


644 Args: 

645 date_path (Path): path to date, i.e. \\\\server\\some_lab\\Subjects\\Date" 


647 Returns: 

648 (list): Found sessions as a sorted list 

649 """ 

650 contents = Path(date_path).glob('*') 1cfdage

651 folders = filter(lambda x: x.is_dir() and re.match(r'^\d{3}$',, contents) 1cfdage

652 sessions_as_set = set(map(lambda x:, folders)) 1cfdage

653 sessions_as_sorted_list = sorted(sessions_as_set) 1cfdage

654 return sessions_as_sorted_list 1cfdage



657def rsync_paths(src: Path, dst: Path) -> bool: 

658 """ 

659 Used to run the rsync algorithm via a rdiff-backup command on the paths contained on the provided source and destination. 

660 This function relies on the rdiff-backup package and is run from the command line, i.e. Full documentation 

661 can be found here - 


663 Parameters 

664 ---------- 

665 src : Path 

666 source path that contains data to be transferred 

667 dst : Path 

668 destination path that will receive the transferred data 


670 Returns 

671 ------- 

672 bool 

673 True for success, False for failure 


675 Raises 

676 ------ 

677 FileNotFoundError, subprocess.CalledProcessError 

678 """ 

679 # Set rdiff_cmd_loc based on OS type (assuming C:\tools is not in Windows PATH environ) 

680 rdiff_cmd_loc = "C:\\tools\\rdiff-backup.exe" if == "nt" else "rdiff-backup" 1tcimfdage

681 try: # Check if rdiff-backup command is available 1tcimfdage

682[rdiff_cmd_loc, "--version"], check=True) 1tcimfdage

683 except (FileNotFoundError, subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e: 1i

684 if not rdiff_install(): # Attempt to install rdiff 1i

685 log.error("rdiff-backup command is unavailable, transfers can not continue.\n", e) 

686 raise 


688"Attempting to transfer data: " + str(src) + " -> " + str(dst)) 1tcimfdage

689 WindowsInhibitor().inhibit() if == "nt" else None # prevent Windows from going to sleep 1tcimfdage

690 try: 1tcimfdage

691 rsync_command = [rdiff_cmd_loc, "--verbosity", str(0), 1tcimfdage

692 "--create-full-path", "--backup-mode", "--no-acls", "--no-eas", 

693 "--no-file-statistics", "--exclude", "**transfer_me.flag", 

694 str(src), str(dst)] 

695, check=True) 1tcimfdage

696 time.sleep(1) # give rdiff-backup a second to complete all logging operations 1tcimfdage

697 except (FileNotFoundError, subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e: 

698 log.error("Transfer failed with code %i.\n", e.returncode) 

699 if e.stderr: 

700 log.error(e.stderr) 

701 return False 

702"Validating transfer completed...") 1tcimfdage

703 try: # Validate the transfers succeeded 1tcimfdage

704 rsync_validate = [rdiff_cmd_loc, "--verify", str(dst)] 1tcimfdage

705, check=True) 1tcimfdage

706 except (FileNotFoundError, subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e: 

707 log.error(f"Validation for destination {dst} failed.\n", e) 

708 return False 

709"Cleaning up rdiff files...") 1tcimfdage

710 shutil.rmtree(dst / "rdiff-backup-data") 1tcimfdage

711 WindowsInhibitor().uninhibit() if == 'nt' else None # allow Windows to go to sleep 1tcimfdage

712 return True 1tcimfdage



715def confirm_ephys_remote_folder(local_folder=False, remote_folder=False, force=False, iblscripts_folder=False, 

716 session_path=None): 

717 """ 

718 :param local_folder: The full path to the local Subjects folder 

719 :param remote_folder: the full path to the remote Subjects folder 

720 :param force: 

721 :param iblscripts_folder: 

722 :return: 

723 """ 

724 # FIXME: session_path can be relative 

725 pars = load_ephyspc_params() 

726 if not iblscripts_folder: 

727 import deploy 

728 iblscripts_folder = Path(deploy.__file__).parent.parent 

729 if not local_folder: 

730 local_folder = pars["DATA_FOLDER_PATH"] 

731 if not remote_folder: 

732 remote_folder = pars["REMOTE_DATA_FOLDER_PATH"] 

733 local_folder = Path(local_folder) 

734 remote_folder = Path(remote_folder) 

735 # Check for Subjects folder 

736 local_folder = subjects_data_folder(local_folder, rglob=True) 

737 remote_folder = subjects_data_folder(remote_folder, rglob=True) 


739"local folder: {local_folder}") 

740"remote folder: {remote_folder}") 

741 if session_path is None: 

742 src_session_paths = [x.parent for x in local_folder.rglob("transfer_me.flag")] 

743 else: 

744 src_session_paths = session_path if isinstance(session_path, list) else [session_path] 


746 if not src_session_paths: 

747"Nothing to transfer, exiting...") 

748 return 

749 for session_path in src_session_paths: 

750"Found : {session_path}") 

751"Found: {len(src_session_paths)} sessions to transfer, starting transferring now") 


753 for session_path in src_session_paths: 

754"Transferring session: {session_path}") 

755 # Rename ephys files 

756 # FIXME: if transfer has failed and wiring file is there renaming will fail! 

757 rename_ephys_files(str(session_path)) 

758 # Move ephys files 

759 move_ephys_files(str(session_path)) 

760 # Copy wiring files 

761 copy_wiring_files(str(session_path), iblscripts_folder) 

762 try: 

763 create_alyx_probe_insertions(str(session_path)) 

764 except BaseException: 

765 log.error(traceback.print_exc()) 

766"Probe creation failed, please create the probe insertions manually. Continuing transfer...") 

767 msg = f"Transfer {session_path }to {remote_folder} with the same name?" 

768 resp = input(msg + "\n[y]es/[r]ename/[s]kip/[e]xit\n ^\n> ") or "y" 

769 resp = resp.lower() 


771 if resp not in ["y", "r", "s", "e", "yes", "rename", "skip", "exit"]: 

772 return confirm_ephys_remote_folder( 

773 local_folder=local_folder, 

774 remote_folder=remote_folder, 

775 force=force, 

776 iblscripts_folder=iblscripts_folder, 

777 ) 

778 elif resp == "y" or resp == "yes": 

779 pass 

780 elif resp == "r" or resp == "rename": 

781 session_path = rename_session(session_path) 

782 if not session_path: 

783 continue 

784 elif resp == "s" or resp == "skip": 

785 continue 

786 elif resp == "e" or resp == "exit": 

787 return 


789 remote_session_path = remote_folder / Path(*[-3:]) 

790 if not behavior_exists(remote_session_path, include_devices=True): 

791 log.error(f"No behavior folder found in {remote_session_path}: skipping session...") 

792 return 

793 # TODO: Check flagfiles on src.and dst + alf dir in session folder then remove 

794 # Try catch? wher catch condition is force transfer maybe 

795 transfer_folder(session_path / "raw_ephys_data", remote_session_path / "raw_ephys_data", force=force) 

796 # if behavior extract_me.flag exists remove it, because of ephys flag 

797 flag_file = session_path / "transfer_me.flag" 

798 if flag_file.exists(): # this file only exists for the iblrig v7 and lower 

799 flag_file.unlink() 

800 if (remote_session_path / "extract_me.flag").exists(): 

801 (remote_session_path / "extract_me.flag").unlink() 

802 # Create remote flags 

803 create_ephys_transfer_done_flag(remote_session_path) 

804 check_create_raw_session_flag(remote_session_path) 



807def probe_labels_from_session_path(session_path: Union[str, Path]) -> List[str]: 

808 """ 

809 Finds ephys probes according to the metadata spikeglx files. Only returns first subfolder 

810 name under raw_ephys_data folder, ie. raw_ephys_data/probe00/copy_of_probe00 won't be returned 

811 If there is a NP2.4 probe with several shanks, create several probes 

812 :param session_path: 

813 :return: list of strings 

814 """ 

815 plabels = [] 1v

816 raw_ephys_folder = Path(session_path).joinpath('raw_ephys_data') 1v

817 for meta_file in raw_ephys_folder.rglob('*.ap.meta'): 1v

818 if meta_file.parents[1] != raw_ephys_folder: 1v

819 continue 1v

820 meta = spikeglx.read_meta_data(meta_file) 1v

821 nshanks = spikeglx._get_nshanks_from_meta(meta) 1v

822 if nshanks > 1: 1v

823 for i in range(nshanks): 1v

824 plabels.append([-2] + 'abcdefghij'[i]) 1v

825 else: 

826 plabels.append([-2]) 1v

827 plabels.sort() 1v

828 return plabels 1v



831def create_alyx_probe_insertions( 

832 session_path: str, 

833 force: bool = False, 

834 one: object = None, 

835 model: str = None, 

836 labels: list = None, 


838 if one is None: 1bu

839 one = ONE(cache_rest=None, mode='local') 

840 eid = session_path if is_uuid_string(session_path) else one.path2eid(session_path) 1bu

841 if eid is None: 1bu

842 log.warning("Session not found on Alyx: please create session before creating insertions") 

843 if model is None: 1bu

844 probe_model = spikeglx.get_neuropixel_version_from_folder(session_path) 

845 pmodel = "3B2" if probe_model == "3B" else probe_model 

846 else: 

847 pmodel = model 1bu

848 labels = labels or probe_labels_from_session_path(session_path) 1bu

849 # create the qc fields in the json field 

850 qc_dict = {} 1bu

851 qc_dict.update({"qc": "NOT_SET"}) 1bu

852 qc_dict.update({"extended_qc": {}}) 1bu


854 # create the dictionary 

855 insertions = [] 1bu

856 for plabel in labels: 1bu

857 insdict = {"session": eid, "name": plabel, "model": pmodel, "json": qc_dict} 1bu

858 # search for the corresponding insertion in Alyx 

859 alyx_insertion = one.alyx.get(f'/insertions?&session={eid}&name={plabel}', clobber=True) 1bu

860 # if it doesn't exist, create it 

861 if len(alyx_insertion) == 0: 1bu

862 alyx_insertion ="insertions", "create", data=insdict) 1bu

863 else: 

864 iid = alyx_insertion[0]["id"] 

865 if force: 

866 alyx_insertion ="insertions", "update", id=iid, data=insdict) 

867 else: 

868 alyx_insertion = alyx_insertion[0] 

869 insertions.append(alyx_insertion) 1bu

870 return insertions 1bu



873def create_ephys_flags(session_folder: str): 

874 """ 

875 Create flags for processing an ephys session. Should be called after move_ephys_files 

876 :param session_folder: A path to an ephys session 

877 :return: 

878 """ 

879 session_path = Path(session_folder) 1A

880 flags.write_flag_file(session_path.joinpath("extract_ephys.flag")) 1A

881 flags.write_flag_file(session_path.joinpath("raw_ephys_qc.flag")) 1A

882 for probe_path in session_path.joinpath('raw_ephys_data').glob('probe*'): 1A

883 flags.write_flag_file(probe_path.joinpath("spike_sorting.flag")) 1A



886def create_ephys_transfer_done_flag(session_folder: str) -> None: 

887 session_path = Path(session_folder) 1oC

888 flags.write_flag_file(session_path.joinpath("ephys_data_transferred.flag")) 1oC



891def create_video_transfer_done_flag(session_folder: str) -> None: 

892 session_path = Path(session_folder) 1oDa

893 flags.write_flag_file(session_path.joinpath("video_data_transferred.flag")) 1oDa



896def create_transfer_done_flag(session_folder: str, flag_name: str) -> None: 

897 session_path = Path(session_folder) 1de

898 flags.write_flag_file(session_path.joinpath(f"{flag_name}_data_transferred.flag")) 1de



901def check_create_raw_session_flag(session_folder: str) -> None: 

902 session_path = Path(session_folder) 1olk


904 # if we have an experiment description file read in whether we expect video, ephys widefield etc, don't do it just based 

905 # on the task protocol 

906 experiment_description = sess_params.read_params(session_path) 1olk


908 def check_status(expected, flag): 1olk

909 if expected is not False and flag.exists(): 1lk

910 return True 1lk

911 if expected is False and not flag.exists(): 1lk

912 return True 

913 else: 

914 return False 1lk


916 if experiment_description is not None: 1olk


918 if any(session_path.joinpath('_devices').glob('*')): 1lk

919 return 


921 # Find the devices in the experiment description file 

922 devices = list() 1lk

923 for key in DEVICE_FLAG_MAP.keys(): 1lk

924 if experiment_description.get('devices', {}).get(key, None) is not None: 1lk

925 devices.append(key) 1lk

926 # In case of widefield the sync also needs to be in it's own folder 

927 if 'widefield' in devices: 1lk

928 devices.append('sync') 1k


930 expected_flags = [session_path.joinpath(f'{DEVICE_FLAG_MAP[dev]}_data_transferred.flag') for dev in devices] 1lk


932 expected = [] 1lk

933 flag_files = [] 1lk

934 for dev, fl in zip(devices, expected_flags): 1lk

935 status = check_status(dev, fl) 1lk

936 if status: 1lk

937 flag_files.append(fl) 1lk

938 expected.append(status) 1lk


940 # In this case all the copying has completed 

941 if all(expected): 1lk

942 # make raw session flag 

943 flags.write_flag_file(session_path.joinpath("raw_session.flag")) 1lk

944 # and unlink individual copy flags 

945 for fl in flag_files: 1lk

946 fl.unlink() 1lk


948 return 1lk


950 ephys = session_path.joinpath("ephys_data_transferred.flag") 1o

951 video = session_path.joinpath("video_data_transferred.flag") 1o


953 sett = raw.load_settings(session_path) 1o

954 if sett is None: 1o

955 log.error(f"No flag created for {session_path}") 

956 return 


958 is_biased = True if "biased" in sett["PYBPOD_PROTOCOL"] else False 1o

959 is_training = True if "training" in sett["PYBPOD_PROTOCOL"] else False 1o

960 is_habituation = True if "habituation" in sett["PYBPOD_PROTOCOL"] else False 1o

961 if video.exists() and (is_biased or is_training or is_habituation): 1o

962 flags.write_flag_file(session_path.joinpath("raw_session.flag")) 1o

963 video.unlink() 1o

964 if video.exists() and ephys.exists(): 1o

965 flags.write_flag_file(session_path.joinpath("raw_session.flag")) 1o

966 ephys.unlink() 1o

967 video.unlink() 1o



970def rename_ephys_files(session_folder: str) -> None: 

971 """rename_ephys_files is system agnostic (3A, 3B1, 3B2). 

972 Renames all ephys files to Alyx compatible filenames. Uses get_new_filename. 


974 :param session_folder: Session folder path 

975 :type session_folder: str 

976 :return: None - Changes names of files on filesystem 

977 :rtype: None 

978 """ 

979 session_path = Path(session_folder) 1h

980 ap_files = session_path.rglob("*.ap.*") 1h

981 lf_files = session_path.rglob("*.lf.*") 1h

982 nidq_files = session_path.rglob("*.nidq.*") 1h


984 for apf in ap_files: 1h

985 new_filename = get_new_filename( 1h

986 shutil.move(str(apf), str(apf.parent / new_filename)) 1h


988 for lff in lf_files: 1h

989 new_filename = get_new_filename( 1h

990 shutil.move(str(lff), str(lff.parent / new_filename)) 1h


992 for nidqf in nidq_files: 1h

993 # Ignore wiring files: these are usually created after the file renaming however this 

994 # function may be called a second time upon failed transfer. 

995 if 'wiring' in 1h

996 continue 

997 new_filename = get_new_filename( 1h

998 shutil.move(str(nidqf), str(nidqf.parent / new_filename)) 1h



1001def get_new_filename(filename: str) -> str: 

1002 """get_new_filename is system agnostic (3A, 3B1, 3B2). 

1003 Gets an alyx compatible filename from any spikeglx ephys file. 


1005 :param filename: Name of an ephys file 

1006 :return: New name for ephys file 

1007 """ 

1008 root = "_spikeglx_ephysData" 1wh

1009 parts = filename.split('.') 1wh

1010 if len(parts) < 3: 1wh

1011 raise ValueError(fr'unrecognized filename "{filename}"') 1w

1012 pattern = r'.*(?P<gt>_g\d+_t\d+)' 1wh

1013 if not (match := re.match(pattern, parts[0])): 1wh

1014 raise ValueError(fr'unrecognized filename "{filename}"') 1w

1015 return '.'.join([root +, *parts[1:]]) 1wh



1018def move_ephys_files(session_folder: str) -> None: 

1019 """move_ephys_files is system agnostic (3A, 3B1, 3B2). 

1020 Moves all properly named ephys files to appropriate locations for transfer. 

1021 Use rename_ephys_files function before this one. 


1023 :param session_folder: Session folder path 

1024 :type session_folder: str 

1025 :return: None - Moves files on filesystem 

1026 :rtype: None 

1027 """ 

1028 session_path = Path(session_folder) 1h

1029 raw_ephys_data_path = session_path / "raw_ephys_data" 1h


1031 imec_files = session_path.rglob("*.imec*") 1h

1032 for imf in imec_files: 1h

1033 # For 3B system probe0x == imecx 

1034 probe_number = re.match(r'_spikeglx_ephysData_g\d_t\d.imec(\d+).*', 1h

1035 if not probe_number: 1h

1036 # For 3A system imec files must be in a 'probexx' folder 

1037 probe_label ='probe\d+', str(imf)) 1h

1038 assert probe_label, f'Cannot assign probe number to file {imf}' 1h

1039 probe_label = 1h

1040 else: 

1041 probe_number, = probe_number.groups() 1h

1042 probe_label = f'probe{probe_number.zfill(2)}' 1h

1043 raw_ephys_data_path.joinpath(probe_label).mkdir(exist_ok=True) 1h

1044 shutil.move(imf, raw_ephys_data_path.joinpath(probe_label, 1h


1046 # NIDAq files (3B system only) 

1047 nidq_files = session_path.rglob("*.nidq.*") 1h

1048 for nidqf in nidq_files: 1h

1049 shutil.move(str(nidqf), str(raw_ephys_data_path / 1h

1050 # Delete all empty folders recursively 

1051 delete_empty_folders(raw_ephys_data_path, dry=False, recursive=True) 1h



1054def create_custom_ephys_wirings(iblscripts_folder: str): 

1055 iblscripts_path = Path(iblscripts_folder) 

1056 PARAMS = load_ephyspc_params() 

1057 probe_set = set(v for k, v in PARAMS.items() if k.startswith('PROBE_TYPE')) 


1059 params_path = iblscripts_path.parent / "iblscripts_params" 

1060 params_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) 

1061 wirings_path = iblscripts_path / "deploy" / "ephyspc" / "wirings" 

1062 for k, v in PARAMS.items(): 

1063 if not k.startswith('PROBE_TYPE_'): 

1064 continue 

1065 probe_label = f'probe{k[-2:]}' 

1066 if v not in ('3A', '3B'): 

1067 raise ValueError(f'Unsupported probe type "{v}"') 

1068 shutil.copy( 

1069 wirings_path / f"{v}.wiring.json", params_path / f"{v}_{probe_label}.wiring.json" 

1070 ) 

1071 print(f"Created {v}.wiring.json in {params_path} for {probe_label}") 

1072 if "3B" in probe_set: 

1073 shutil.copy(wirings_path / "nidq.wiring.json", params_path / "nidq.wiring.json") 

1074 print(f"Created nidq.wiring.json in {params_path}") 

1075 print(f"\nYou can now modify your wiring files from folder {params_path}") 



1078def get_iblscripts_folder(): 

1079 return str(Path().cwd().parent.parent) 



1082def copy_wiring_files(session_folder, iblscripts_folder): 

1083 """Run after moving files to probe folders""" 

1084 PARAMS = load_ephyspc_params() 

1085 if PARAMS["PROBE_TYPE_00"] != PARAMS["PROBE_TYPE_01"]: 

1086 print("Having different probe types is not supported") 

1087 raise NotImplementedError() 

1088 session_path = Path(session_folder) 

1089 iblscripts_path = Path(iblscripts_folder) 

1090 iblscripts_params_path = iblscripts_path.parent / "iblscripts_params" 

1091 wirings_path = iblscripts_path / "deploy" / "ephyspc" / "wirings" 

1092 termination = '.wiring.json' 

1093 # Determine system 

1094 ephys_system = PARAMS["PROBE_TYPE_00"] 

1095 # Define where to get the files from (determine if custom wiring applies) 

1096 src_wiring_path = iblscripts_params_path if iblscripts_params_path.exists() else wirings_path 

1097 probe_wiring_file_path = src_wiring_path / f"{ephys_system}{termination}" 


1099 if ephys_system == "3B": 

1100 # Copy nidq file 

1101 nidq_files = session_path.rglob("*.nidq.bin") 

1102 for nidqf in nidq_files: 

1103 nidq_wiring_name = ".".join(str(".")[:-1]) + termination 

1104 shutil.copy( 

1105 str(src_wiring_path / f"nidq{termination}"), 

1106 str(session_path / "raw_ephys_data" / nidq_wiring_name), 

1107 ) 

1108 # If system is either (3A OR 3B) copy a wiring file for each ap.bin file 

1109 for binf in session_path.rglob("*.ap.bin"): 

1110 probe_label ='probe\d+', str(binf)) 

1111 if probe_label: 

1112 wiring_name = ".".join(str(".")[:-2]) + termination 

1113 dst_path = session_path / "raw_ephys_data" / / wiring_name 

1114 shutil.copy(probe_wiring_file_path, dst_path) 



1117def multi_parts_flags_creation(root_paths: Union[list, str, Path]) -> List[Path]: 

1118 """ 

1119 Creates the sequence files to run spike sorting in batches 

1120 A sequence file is a json file with the following fields: 

1121 sha1: a unique hash of the metafiles involved 

1122 probe: a string with the probe name 

1123 index: the index within the sequence 

1124 nrecs: the length of the sequence 

1125 files: a list of files 

1126 :param root_paths: 

1127 :return: 

1128 """ 

1129 from one.alf import io as alfio 1n

1130 # "001/raw_ephys_data/probe00/_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.imec0.ap.meta", 

1131 if isinstance(root_paths, str) or isinstance(root_paths, Path): 1n

1132 root_paths = [root_paths] 1n

1133 recordings = {} 1n

1134 for root_path in root_paths: 1n

1135 for meta_file in root_path.rglob("*.ap.meta"): 1n

1136 # we want to make sure that the file is just under session_path/raw_ephys_data/{probe_label} 

1137 session_path = alfio.files.get_session_path(meta_file) 1n

1138 raw_ephys_path = session_path.joinpath('raw_ephys_data') 1n

1139 if meta_file.parents[1] != raw_ephys_path: 1n

1140 log.warning(f"{meta_file} is not in a probe directory and will be skipped") 

1141 continue 

1142 # stack the meta-file in the probe label key of the recordings dictionary 

1143 plabel =[-2] 1n

1144 recordings[plabel] = recordings.get(plabel, []) + [meta_file] 1n

1145 # once we have all of the files 

1146 for k in recordings: 1n

1147 nrecs = len(recordings[k]) 1n

1148 recordings[k].sort() 1n

1149 # the identifier of the overarching recording sequence is the hash of hashes of the files 

1150 m = hashlib.sha1() 1n

1151 for i, meta_file in enumerate(recordings[k]): 1n

1152 hash = hashfile.sha1(meta_file) 1n

1153 m.update(hash.encode()) 1n

1154 # writes the sequence files 

1155 for i, meta_file in enumerate(recordings[k]): 1n

1156 sequence_file = meta_file.parent.joinpath('ap.meta', 'sequence.json')) 1n

1157 with open(sequence_file, 'w+') as fid: 1n

1158 json.dump(dict(sha1=m.hexdigest(), probe=k, index=i, nrecs=len(recordings[k]), 1n

1159 files=list(map(str, recordings[k]))), fid) 

1160"{k}: {i}/{nrecs} written sequence file {recordings}") 1n

1161 return recordings 1n



1164class WindowsInhibitor: 

1165 """Prevent OS sleep/hibernate in windows; code from: 


1167 API documentation: 


1169 ES_CONTINUOUS = 0x80000000 

1170 ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED = 0x00000001 


1172 @staticmethod 

1173 def _set_thread_execution_state(state: int) -> None: 

1174 result = ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetThreadExecutionState(state) 

1175 if result == 0: 

1176 log.error("Failed to set thread execution state.") 


1178 @staticmethod 

1179 def inhibit(quiet: bool = False): 

1180 if quiet: 

1181 log.debug("Preventing Windows from going to sleep") 

1182 else: 

1183 print("Preventing Windows from going to sleep") 

1184 WindowsInhibitor._set_thread_execution_state(WindowsInhibitor.ES_CONTINUOUS | WindowsInhibitor.ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED) 


1186 @staticmethod 

1187 def uninhibit(quiet: bool = False): 

1188 if quiet: 

1189 log.debug("Allowing Windows to go to sleep") 

1190 else: 

1191 print("Allowing Windows to go to sleep") 

1192 WindowsInhibitor._set_thread_execution_state(WindowsInhibitor.ES_CONTINUOUS) 



1195def sleepless(func: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]: 

1196 """ 

1197 Decorator to ensure that the system doesn't enter sleep or idle mode during a long-running task. 


1199 This decorator wraps a function and sets the thread execution state to prevent 

1200 the system from entering sleep or idle mode while the decorated function is 

1201 running. 


1203 Parameters 

1204 ---------- 

1205 func : callable 

1206 The function to decorate. 


1208 Returns 

1209 ------- 

1210 callable 

1211 The decorated function. 

1212 """ 


1214 @wraps(func) 1x

1215 def inner(*args, **kwargs) -> Any: 1x

1216 if == 'nt': 1x

1217 WindowsInhibitor().inhibit(quiet=True) 

1218 result = func(*args, **kwargs) 1x

1219 if == 'nt': 1x

1220 WindowsInhibitor().uninhibit(quiet=True) 

1221 return result 1x

1222 return inner 1x