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1from pathlib import Path 

2import logging 


4import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

5import numpy as np 

6from one.api import ONE 

7import as alfio 


9from neuropixel import TIP_SIZE_UM, trace_header 

10import iblatlas.atlas as atlas 

11from ibllib.ephys.spikes import probes_description as extract_probes 

12from ibllib.qc import base 


14from ibldsp.utils import fcn_cosine 



17_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 



20def load_track_csv(file_track, brain_atlas=None): 

21 """ 

22 Loads a lasagna track and convert to IBL-ALlen coordinate framework 

23 :param file_track: 

24 :return: xyz 

25 """ 


27 brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas(25) 1ci

28 # apmldv in the histology file is flipped along y direction 

29 file_track = Path(file_track) 1ci

30 if file_track.stat().st_size == 0: 1ci

31 return np.array([]) 

32 ixiyiz = np.loadtxt(file_track, delimiter=',')[:, [1, 0, 2]] 1ci

33 ixiyiz[:, 1] = 527 - ixiyiz[:, 1] 1ci

34 ixiyiz = ixiyiz[np.argsort(ixiyiz[:, 2]), :] 1ci

35 xyz = brain_atlas.bc.i2xyz(ixiyiz) 1ci

36 # xyz[:, 0] = - xyz[:, 0] 

37 return xyz 1ci



40def get_picked_tracks(histology_path, glob_pattern="*_pts_transformed.csv", brain_atlas=None): 

41 """ 

42 This outputs reads in the Lasagna output and converts the picked tracks in the IBL coordinates 

43 :param histology_path: Path object: folder path containing tracks 

44 :return: xyz coordinates in 

45 """ 

46 brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas() 

47 xyzs = [] 

48 histology_path = Path(histology_path) 

49 if histology_path.is_file(): 

50 files_track = [histology_path] 

51 else: 

52 files_track = list(histology_path.rglob(glob_pattern)) 

53 for file_track in files_track: 

54 xyzs.append(load_track_csv(file_track, brain_atlas=brain_atlas)) 

55 return {'files': files_track, 'xyz': xyzs} 



58def get_micro_manipulator_data(subject, one=None, force_extract=False): 

59 """ 

60 Looks for all ephys sessions for a given subject and get the probe micro-manipulator 

61 trajectories. 

62 If probes ALF object not on flat-iron, attempts to perform the extraction from meta-data 

63 and task settings file. 

64 """ 

65 if not one: 

66 one = ONE(cache_rest=None) 


68 eids, sessions =, task_protocol='ephys', details=True) 

69 probes = alfio.AlfBunch({}) 

70 for ses in sessions: 

71 sess_path = Path(ses['local_path']) 

72 probe = None 

73 if not force_extract: 

74 probe = one.load_object(ses['url'], 'probes') 

75 if not probe: 

76 _logger.warning(f"Re-extraction probe info for {sess_path}") 

77 dtypes = ['_iblrig_taskSettings.raw', 'ephysData.raw.meta'] 

78 raw_files = one.load(ses['url'], dataset_types=dtypes, download_only=True) 

79 if all([rf is None for rf in raw_files]): 

80 _logger.warning(f"no raw settings files nor ephys data found for" 

81 f" {ses['local_path']}. Skip this session.") 

82 continue 

83 extract_probes(sess_path, bin_exists=False) 

84 probe = alfio.load_object(sess_path.joinpath('alf'), 'probes') 

85 one.load(ses['url'], dataset_types='channels.localCoordinates', download_only=True) 

86 # get for each insertion the sites local mapping: if not found assumes checkerboard pattern 

87 probe['sites_coordinates'] = [] 

88 for prb in probe.description: 

89 chfile = Path(ses['local_path']).joinpath('alf', prb['label'], 

90 'channels.localCoordinates.npy') 

91 if chfile.exists(): 

92 probe['sites_coordinates'].append(np.load(chfile)) 

93 else: 

94 _logger.warning(f"no channel.localCoordinates found for {ses['local_path']}." 

95 f"Assumes checkerboard pattern") 

96 th = trace_header(version=1) 

97 probe['sites_coordinates'].append(np.c_[th['x'], th['y']]) 

98 # put the session information in there 

99 probe['session'] = [ses] * len(probe.description) 

100 probes = probes.append(probe) 

101 return probes 



104def plot2d_all(trajectories, tracks, brain_atlas=None): 

105 """ 

106 Plot all tracks on a single 2d slice 

107 :param trajectories: dictionary output of the Alyx REST query on trajectories 

108 :param tracks: 

109 :return: 

110 """ 

111 brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas(25) 

112 plt.figure() 

113 axs = brain_atlas.plot_sslice(brain_atlas.bc.i2x(190), cmap=plt.get_cmap('bone')) 

114 plt.figure() 

115 axc = brain_atlas.plot_cslice(brain_atlas.bc.i2y(350)) 

116 for xyz in tracks['xyz']: 

117 axc.plot(xyz[:, 0] * 1e3, xyz[:, 2] * 1e6, 'b') 

118 axs.plot(xyz[:, 1] * 1e3, xyz[:, 2] * 1e6, 'b') 

119 for trj in trajectories: 

120 ins = atlas.Insertion.from_dict(trj, brain_atlas=brain_atlas) 

121 xyz = 

122 axc.plot(xyz[:, 0] * 1e3, xyz[:, 2] * 1e6, 'r') 

123 axs.plot(xyz[:, 1] * 1e3, xyz[:, 2] * 1e6, 'r') 



126def plot3d_all(trajectories, tracks, brain_atlas=None): 

127 """ 

128 Plot all tracks on a single 2d slice 

129 :param trajectories: dictionary output of the Alyx REST query on trajectories 

130 :param tracks: 

131 :return: 

132 """ 

133 from mayavi import mlab 

134 brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas() 

135 src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(brain_atlas.label) 

136 mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(src, contours=[0.5, ], opacity=0.3) 


138 pts = [] 

139 for xyz in tracks['xyz']: 

140 mlapdv = brain_atlas.bc.xyz2i(xyz) 

141 pts.append(mlab.plot3d(mlapdv[:, 1], mlapdv[:, 0], mlapdv[:, 2], line_width=3)) 


143 plt_trj = [] 

144 for trj in trajectories: 

145 ins = atlas.Insertion.from_dict(trj, brain_atlas=brain_atlas) 

146 mlapdv = brain_atlas.bc.xyz2i( 

147 plt = mlab.plot3d(mlapdv[:, 1], mlapdv[:, 0], mlapdv[:, 2], 

148 line_width=3, color=(1., 0., 1.)) 

149 plt_trj.append(plt) 



152def interpolate_along_track(xyz_track, depths): 

153 """ 

154 Get the coordinates of points along a track according to their distances from the first 

155 point. 

156 :param xyz_track: np.array [npoints, 3]. Usually the first point is the deepest 

157 :param depths: distance from the first point of the track, usually the convention is the 

158 deepest point is 0 and going up 

159 :return: xyz_channels 

160 """ 

161 # from scipy.interpolate import interp1d 

162 # this is the cumulative distance from the lowest picked point (first) 

163 distance = np.cumsum(np.r_[0, np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(xyz_track, axis=0) ** 2, axis=1))]) 1dfgabcjkl

164 xyz_channels = np.zeros((depths.shape[0], 3)) 1dfgabcjkl

165 for m in np.arange(3): 1dfgabcjkl

166 xyz_channels[:, m] = np.interp(depths, distance, xyz_track[:, m]) 1dfgabcjkl

167 # xyz_channels[:, m] = interp1d(distance, xyz[:, m], kind='cubic')(chdepths / 1e6) 

168 # plt.figure() 

169 # plt.plot(xyz_track[:, 0] * 1e6, xyz_track[:, 2] * 1e6, 'k*'), plt.axis('equal') 

170 # plt.plot(xyz_channels[:, 0] * 1e6, xyz_channels[:, 2] * 1e6, '.'), plt.axis('equal') 

171 return xyz_channels 1dfgabcjkl



174def get_brain_regions(xyz, channels_positions=None, brain_atlas=None): 

175 """ 

176 :param xyz: numpy array of 3D coordinates corresponding to a picked track or a trajectory 

177 the deepest point is assumed to be the tip. 

178 :param channels_positions: 

179 :param brain_atlas: 

180 :return: brain_regions (associated to each channel), 

181 insertion (object atlas.Insertion, defining 2 points of entries 

182 (tip and end of probe)) 

183 """ 

184 """ 1abc

185 this is the depth along the probe (from the first point which is the deepest labeled point) 

186 Due to the blockiness, depths may not be unique along the track so it has to be prepared 

187 """ 


189 brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas(25) 1abc

190 if channels_positions is None: 1abc

191 geometry = trace_header(version=1) 1abc

192 channels_positions = np.c_[geometry['x'], geometry['y']] 1abc


194 xyz = xyz[np.argsort(xyz[:, 2]), :] 1abc

195 d = atlas.cart2sph(xyz[:, 0] - xyz[0, 0], xyz[:, 1] - xyz[0, 1], xyz[:, 2] - xyz[0, 2])[0] 1abc

196 indsort = np.argsort(d) 1abc

197 xyz = xyz[indsort, :] 1abc

198 d = d[indsort] 1abc

199 iduplicates = np.where(np.diff(d) == 0)[0] 1abc

200 xyz = np.delete(xyz, iduplicates, axis=0) 1abc

201 d = np.delete(d, iduplicates, axis=0) 1abc


203 assert np.all(np.diff(d) > 0), "Depths should be strictly increasing" 1abc


205 # Get the probe insertion from the coordinates 

206 insertion = atlas.Insertion.from_track(xyz, brain_atlas) 1abc


208 # Interpolate channel positions along the probe depth and get brain locations 

209 TIP_SIZE_UM = 200 1abc

210 xyz_channels = interpolate_along_track(xyz, (channels_positions[:, 1] + TIP_SIZE_UM) / 1e6) 1abc


212 # get the brain regions 

213 brain_regions = brain_atlas.regions.get(brain_atlas.get_labels(xyz_channels)) 1abc

214 brain_regions['xyz'] = xyz_channels 1abc

215 brain_regions['lateral'] = channels_positions[:, 0] 1abc

216 brain_regions['axial'] = channels_positions[:, 1] 1abc

217 assert np.unique([len(brain_regions[k]) for k in brain_regions]).size == 1 1abc


219 return brain_regions, insertion 1abc



222def register_chronic_track(chronic_id, picks=None, one=None, overwrite=False, channels=True, brain_atlas=None): 

223 """ 

224 Register the user picks to a chronic insertion in Alyx. 

225 Here we update the database in 4 steps 

226 1) The user picks converted to IBL coordinates will be stored in the json field of the 

227 corresponding chronic insertion models 

228 2) All associated probe insertions are identified and the user picks stored in the json field too 

229 2) The trajectory associated to the chronic insertion computed from the histology track is created or patched 

230 3) Channel locations are set in the table 

231 :param chronic_id: 

232 :param picks: 

233 :param one: 

234 :param overwrite: 

235 :param channels: 

236 :param brain_atlas: 

237 :return: 

238 """ 

239 assert one 1ae

240 chronic ='chronic-insertions', 'list', id=chronic_id)[0] 1ae

241 for probe_id in chronic['probe_insertion']: 1ae

242 pid = probe_id['id'] 1ae

243 brain_locations, insertion_histology = register_track(pid, picks=picks, one=one, overwrite=overwrite, 1ae

244 channels=channels, brain_atlas=brain_atlas) 


246 if picks is None or picks.size == 0: 1ae

247 hist_qc = base.QC(chronic_id, one=one, endpoint='chronic-insertions') 1e

248 hist_qc.update_extended_qc({'tracing_exists': False}) 1e

249 hist_qc.update('CRITICAL', namespace='tracing') 1e

250 else: 

251 one.alyx.json_field_update(endpoint='chronic-insertions', uuid=chronic_id, field_name='json', 1a

252 data={'xyz_picks': np.int32(picks * 1e6).tolist()}) 

253 # Update the insertion qc to register tracing exits 

254 hist_qc = base.QC(chronic_id, one=one, endpoint='chronic-insertions') 1a

255 hist_qc.update_extended_qc({'tracing_exists': True}) 1a


257 return brain_locations, insertion_histology 1ae



260def register_track(probe_id, picks=None, one=None, overwrite=False, channels=True, brain_atlas=None, 

261 endpoint='insertions'): 

262 """ 

263 Register the user picks to a probe in Alyx 

264 Here we update Alyx models on the database in 3 steps 

265 1) The user picks converted to IBL coordinates will be stored in the json field of the 

266 corresponding probe insertion models 

267 2) The trajectory computed from the histology track is created or patched 

268 3) Channel locations are set in the table 

269 """ 

270 assert one 1aebh

271 brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas() 1aebh

272 # 0) if it's an empty track, create a null trajectory and exit 

273 if picks is None or picks.size == 0: 1aebh

274 tdict = {'x': None, 'y': None, 'z': None, 1eh

275 'phi': None, 'theta': None, 'depth': None, 'roll': None, 

276 'provenance': 'Histology track', 

277 'coordinate_system': 'IBL-Allen', 

278 } 

279 if endpoint == 'chronic-insertions': 1eh

280 tdict['chronic_insertion'] = probe_id 

281 tdict['probe_insertion'] = None 

282 else: 

283 tdict['probe_insertion'] = probe_id 1eh

284 tdict['chronic_insertion'] = None 1eh


286 brain_locations = None 1eh

287 # Update the insertion qc to CRITICAL 

288 hist_qc = base.QC(probe_id, one=one, endpoint=endpoint) 1eh

289 hist_qc.update_extended_qc({'tracing_exists': False}) 1eh

290 hist_qc.update('CRITICAL', namespace='tracing') 1eh

291 insertion_histology = None 1eh

292 # Here need to change the track qc to critical and also extended qc to zero 

293 else: 

294 try: 1ab

295 eid, pname = one.pid2eid(probe_id) 1ab

296 chan_pos = one.load_dataset(eid, 'channels.localCoordinates.npy', collection=f'alf/{pname}/pykilosort') 1ab

297 except Exception: 1ab

298 chan_pos = None 1ab


300 brain_locations, insertion_histology = get_brain_regions(picks, channels_positions=chan_pos, 1ab

301 brain_atlas=brain_atlas) 

302 # 1) update the alyx models, first put the picked points in the insertion json 

303 one.alyx.json_field_update(endpoint=endpoint, uuid=probe_id, field_name='json', 1ab

304 data={'xyz_picks': np.int32(picks * 1e6).tolist()}) 


306 # Update the insertion qc to register tracing exits 

307 hist_qc = base.QC(probe_id, one=one, endpoint=endpoint) 1ab

308 hist_qc.update_extended_qc({'tracing_exists': True}) 1ab

309 # 2) patch or create the trajectory coming from histology track 

310 tdict = create_trajectory_dict(probe_id, insertion_histology, provenance='Histology track', endpoint=endpoint) 1ab


312 alyx_end = 'chronic_insertion' if endpoint == 'chronic-insertions' else 'probe_insertion' 1aebh

313 hist_traj = one.alyx.get('/trajectories?' 1aebh

314 f'&{alyx_end}={probe_id}' 

315 '&provenance=Histology track', clobber=True) 

316 # if the trajectory exists, remove it, this will cascade delete existing channel locations 

317 if len(hist_traj): 1aebh

318 if overwrite: 1e

319'trajectories', 'delete', id=hist_traj[0]['id']) 1e

320 else: 

321 raise FileExistsError('The session already exists, however overwrite is set to False.' 

322 'If you want to overwrite, set overwrite=True.') 

323 hist_traj ='trajectories', 'create', data=tdict) 1aebh


325 if brain_locations is None: 1aebh

326 return brain_locations, None 1eh

327 # 3) create channel locations 

328 if channels: 1ab

329 channel_dict = create_channel_dict(hist_traj, brain_locations) 

330'channels', 'create', data=channel_dict) 


332 return brain_locations, insertion_histology 1ab



335def register_aligned_track(probe_id, xyz_channels, chn_coords=None, one=None, overwrite=False, 

336 channels=True, brain_atlas=None): 

337 """ 

338 Register ephys aligned trajectory and channel locations to Alyx 

339 Here we update Alyx models on the database in 2 steps 

340 1) The trajectory computed from the final electrode channel locations 

341 2) Channel locations are set to the trajectory 

342 """ 

343 assert one 1fg

344 brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas(25) 1fg

345 if chn_coords is None: 1fg

346 geometry = trace_header(version=1) 

347 chn_coords = np.c_[geometry['x'], geometry['y']] 


349 insertion = atlas.Insertion.from_track(xyz_channels, brain_atlas) 1fg

350 tdict = create_trajectory_dict(probe_id, insertion, provenance='Ephys aligned histology track') 1fg


352 hist_traj ='trajectories', 'list', 1fg

353 probe_insertion=probe_id, 

354 provenance='Ephys aligned histology track', 

355 no_cache=True) 

356 # if the trajectory exists, remove it, this will cascade delete existing channel locations 

357 if len(hist_traj): 1fg

358 if overwrite: 1fg

359'trajectories', 'delete', id=hist_traj[0]['id']) 1fg

360 else: 

361 raise FileExistsError('The session already exists, however overwrite is set to False.' 

362 'If you want to overwrite, set overwrite=True.') 

363 hist_traj ='trajectories', 'create', data=tdict) 1fg


365 if channels: 1fg

366 brain_regions = brain_atlas.regions.get(brain_atlas.get_labels(xyz_channels)) 

367 brain_regions['xyz'] = xyz_channels 

368 brain_regions['lateral'] = chn_coords[:, 0] 

369 brain_regions['axial'] = chn_coords[:, 1] 

370 assert np.unique([len(brain_regions[k]) for k in brain_regions]).size == 1 

371 channel_dict = create_channel_dict(hist_traj, brain_regions) 

372'channels', 'create', data=channel_dict) 



375def create_trajectory_dict(probe_id, insertion, provenance, endpoint='insertions'): 

376 """ 

377 Create trajectory dictionary in form to upload to alyx 

378 :param probe id: unique id of probe insertion 

379 :type probe_id: string (hexadecimal UUID) 

380 :param insertion: Insertion object describing entry and tip of trajectory 

381 :type insertion: object atlas.Insertion 

382 :param provenance: 'Histology track' or 'Ephys aligned histology track' 

383 :type provenance: string 

384 :param endpoint: Alyx endpoint, either 'insertions', or 'chronic-insertions' 

385 :type endpoint: string 

386 :return tdict: 

387 :type tdict: dict 

388 """ 

389 tdict = {'x': insertion.x * 1e6, 1fgab

390 'y': insertion.y * 1e6, 

391 'z': insertion.z * 1e6, 

392 'phi': insertion.phi, 

393 'theta': insertion.theta, 

394 'depth': insertion.depth * 1e6, 

395 'roll': insertion.beta, 

396 'provenance': provenance, 

397 'coordinate_system': 'IBL-Allen', 

398 } 

399 if endpoint == 'chronic-insertions': 1fgab

400 tdict['chronic_insertion'] = probe_id 

401 tdict['probe_insertion'] = None 

402 else: 

403 tdict['probe_insertion'] = probe_id 1fgab

404 tdict['chronic_insertion'] = None 1fgab


406 return tdict 1fgab



409def create_channel_dict(traj, brain_locations): 

410 """ 

411 Create channel dictionary in form to upload to alyx 

412 :param traj: alyx trajectory object to attach channel information to 

413 :type traj: dict 

414 :param brain_locations: information about location of electrode channels in brain atlas 

415 :type insertion: Bunch 

416 :return tdict: 

417 :type tdict: list of dict 

418 """ 

419 channel_dict = [] 

420 for i in np.arange( 

421 channel_dict.append({ 

422 'x': np.float64([i, 0] * 1e6), 

423 'y': np.float64([i, 1] * 1e6), 

424 'z': np.float64([i, 2] * 1e6), 

425 'axial': np.float64(brain_locations.axial[i]), 

426 'lateral': np.float64(brain_locations.lateral[i]), 

427 'brain_region': int([i]), 

428 'trajectory_estimate': traj['id'] 

429 }) 


431 return channel_dict 



434def _parse_filename(track_file): 

435 tmp ='_') 1m

436 inumber = [i for i, s in enumerate(tmp) if s.isdigit and len(s) == 3][-1] 1m

437 search_filter = {'date': tmp[0], 'experiment_number': int(tmp[inumber]), 1m

438 'name': '_'.join(tmp[inumber + 1:- 1]), 

439 'subject': '_'.join(tmp[1:inumber])} 

440 return search_filter 1m



443def register_chronic_track_files(path_tracks, one=None, overwrite=False, brain_atlas=None): 

444 """ 

445 Registers track files for chronic insertions 

446 :param path_tracks: 

447 :param one: 

448 :param overwrite: 

449 :param brain_atlas: 

450 :return: 

451 """ 


453 brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas() 

454 glob_pattern = "*_probe*_pts*.csv" 

455 path_tracks = Path(path_tracks) 


457 if not path_tracks.is_dir(): 

458 track_files = [path_tracks] 

459 else: 

460 track_files = list(path_tracks.rglob(glob_pattern)) 

461 track_files.sort() 


463 assert path_tracks.exists() 

464 assert one 


466 ntracks = len(track_files) 

467 for ind, track_file in enumerate(track_files): 

468 # Nomenclature expected: 

469 # '{yyyy-mm-dd}}_{nickname}_{session_number}_{probe_label}_pts.csv' 

470 # beware: there may be underscores in the subject nickname 


472 search_filter = _parse_filename(track_file) 

473 probe ='chronic-insertions', 'list', no_cache=True, **search_filter) 

474 if len(probe) == 0: 

475 raise ValueError(f"Could not find associated chronic insertion for {search_filter['subject']}," 

476 f"{search_filter['name']}") 

477 elif len(probe) == 1: 

478 probe = probe[0] 

479 else: 

480 raise ValueError("Multiple chronic insertions found.") 

481 chronic_id = probe['id'] 

482 try: 

483 xyz_picks = load_track_csv(track_file, brain_atlas=brain_atlas) 

484 register_chronic_track(chronic_id, xyz_picks, one=one, overwrite=overwrite, brain_atlas=brain_atlas) 

485 except Exception as e: 

486 _logger.error(str(track_file)) 

487 raise e 

488"{ind + 1}/{ntracks}, {str(track_file)}") 



491def register_track_files(path_tracks, one=None, overwrite=False, brain_atlas=None): 

492 """ 

493 :param path_tracks: path to directory containing tracks; also works with a single file name 

494 :param one: 

495 :return: 

496 """ 

497 brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas() 

498 glob_pattern = "*_probe*_pts*.csv" 

499 path_tracks = Path(path_tracks) 


501 if not path_tracks.is_dir(): 

502 track_files = [path_tracks] 

503 else: 

504 track_files = list(path_tracks.rglob(glob_pattern)) 

505 track_files.sort() 


507 assert path_tracks.exists() 

508 assert one 


510 ntracks = len(track_files) 

511 for ind, track_file in enumerate(track_files): 

512 # Nomenclature expected: 

513 # '{yyyy-mm-dd}}_{nickname}_{session_number}_{probe_label}_pts.csv' 

514 # beware: there may be underscores in the subject nickname 


516 search_filter = _parse_filename(track_file) 

517 probe ='insertions', 'list', no_cache=True, **search_filter) 

518 if len(probe) == 0: 

519 eid =['subject'], date_range=search_filter['date'], 

520 number=search_filter['experiment_number']) 

521 if len(eid) == 0: 

522 raise Exception(f"No session found {}") 

523 insertion = {'session': eid[0], 

524 'name': search_filter['name']} 

525 probe ='insertions', 'create', data=insertion) 

526 elif len(probe) == 1: 

527 probe = probe[0] 

528 else: 

529 raise ValueError("Multiple probes found.") 

530 probe_id = probe['id'] 

531 try: 

532 xyz_picks = load_track_csv(track_file, brain_atlas=brain_atlas) 

533 register_track(probe_id, xyz_picks, one=one, overwrite=overwrite, brain_atlas=brain_atlas) 

534 except Exception as e: 

535 _logger.error(str(track_file)) 

536 raise e 

537"{ind + 1}/{ntracks}, {str(track_file)}") 



540def detect_missing_histology_tracks(path_tracks=None, one=None, subject=None, brain_atlas=None): 

541 """ 

542 Compares the number of probe insertions to the number of registered histology tracks to see if 

543 there is a discrepancy so that missing tracks can be properly logged in the database 

544 :param path_tracks: path to track files to be registered 

545 :param subject: subject nickname for which to detect missing tracks 

546 """ 


548 brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas() 

549 if path_tracks: 

550 glob_pattern = "*_probe*_pts*.csv" 


552 path_tracks = Path(path_tracks) 


554 if not path_tracks.is_dir(): 

555 track_files = [path_tracks] 

556 else: 

557 track_files = list(path_tracks.rglob(glob_pattern)) 

558 track_files.sort() 


560 subjects = [] 

561 for track_file in track_files: 

562 search_filter = _parse_filename(track_file) 

563 subjects.append(search_filter['subject']) 


565 unique_subjects = np.unique(subjects) 

566 elif not path_tracks and subject: 

567 unique_subjects = [subject] 

568 else: 

569 _logger.warning('Must specifiy either path_tracks or subject argument') 

570 return 


572 for subj in unique_subjects: 

573 insertions ='insertions', 'list', subject=subj, no_cache=True) 

574 trajectories ='trajectories', 'list', subject=subj, 

575 provenance='Histology track', no_cache=True) 

576 if len(insertions) != len(trajectories): 

577 ins_sess = np.array([ins['session'] + ins['name'] for ins in insertions]) 

578 traj_sess = np.array([traj['session']['id'] + traj['probe_name'] 

579 for traj in trajectories]) 

580 miss_idx = np.where(np.isin(ins_sess, traj_sess, invert=True))[0] 


582 for idx in miss_idx: 


584 info = one.eid2path(ins_sess[idx][:36], query_type='remote').parts 

585 print(ins_sess[idx][:36]) 

586 msg = f"Histology tracing missing for {info[-3]}, {info[-2]}, {info[-1]}," \ 

587 f" {ins_sess[idx][36:]}.\nEnter [y]es to register an empty track for " \ 

588 f"this insertion \nEnter [n]o, if tracing for this probe insertion will be "\ 

589 f"conducted at a later date \n>" 

590 resp = input(msg) 

591 resp = resp.lower() 

592 if resp == 'y' or resp == 'yes': 

593'Histology track for this probe insertion registered as empty') 

594 probe_id = insertions[idx]['id'] 

595 print(insertions[idx]['session']) 

596 print(probe_id) 

597 register_track(probe_id, one=one, brain_atlas=brain_atlas) 

598 else: 

599'Histology track for this probe insertion will not be registered') 

600 continue 



603def coverage(trajs, ba=None, dist_fcn=[100, 150]): 

604 """ 

605 Computes a coverage volume from 

606 :param trajs: dictionary of trajectories from Alyx rest endpoint ( 

607 :param ba: iblatlas.atlas.BrainAtlas instance 

608 :return: 3D np.array the same size as the volume provided in the brain atlas 

609 """ 

610 # in um. Coverage = 1 below the first value, 0 after the second, cosine taper in between 

611 ACTIVE_LENGTH_UM = 3.5 * 1e3 

612 MAX_DIST_UM = dist_fcn[1] # max distance around the probe to be searched for 

613 if ba is None: 

614 ba = atlas.AllenAtlas() 


616 def crawl_up_from_tip(ins, d): 

617 return (ins.entry - ins.tip) * (d[:, np.newaxis] / 

618 np.linalg.norm(ins.entry - ins.tip)) + ins.tip 


620 full_coverage = np.zeros(ba.image.shape, dtype=np.float32).flatten() 


622 for p in np.arange(len(trajs)): 

623 if len(trajs) > 20: 

624 if p % 20 == 0: 

625 print(p / len(trajs)) 

626 traj = trajs[p] 


628 ins = atlas.Insertion.from_dict(traj) 

629 # those are the top and bottom coordinates of the active part of the shank extended 

630 # to maxdist 

631 d = (np.array([ACTIVE_LENGTH_UM + MAX_DIST_UM * np.sqrt(2), 

632 -MAX_DIST_UM * np.sqrt(2)]) + TIP_SIZE_UM) 

633 top_bottom = crawl_up_from_tip(ins, d / 1e6) 

634 # this is the axis that has the biggest deviation. Almost always z 

635 axis = np.argmax(np.abs(np.diff(top_bottom, axis=0))) 

636 if axis != 2: 

637 _logger.warning(f"This works only for 45 degree or vertical tracks so far, skipping" 

638 f" {ins}") 

639 continue 

640 # sample the active track path along this axis 

641 tbi = ba.bc.xyz2i(top_bottom) 

642 nz = tbi[1, axis] - tbi[0, axis] + 1 

643 ishank = np.round(np.array( 

644 [np.linspace(tbi[0, i], tbi[1, i], nz) for i in np.arange(3)]).T).astype(np.int32) 


646 # creates a flattened "column" of candidate volume indices around the track 

647 # around each sample get an horizontal square slice of nx *2 +1 and ny *2 +1 samples 

648 # flatten the corresponding xyz indices and compute the min distance to the track only 

649 # for those 

650 nx = int(np.floor(MAX_DIST_UM / 1e6 / np.abs(ba.bc.dxyz[0]) * np.sqrt(2) / 2)) * 2 + 1 

651 ny = int(np.floor(MAX_DIST_UM / 1e6 / np.abs(ba.bc.dxyz[1]) * np.sqrt(2) / 2)) * 2 + 1 

652 ixyz = np.stack([v.flatten() for v in np.meshgrid( 

653 np.arange(-nx, nx + 1), np.arange(-ny, ny + 1), np.arange(nz))]).T 

654 ixyz[:, 0] = ishank[ixyz[:, 2], 0] + ixyz[:, 0] 

655 ixyz[:, 1] = ishank[ixyz[:, 2], 1] + ixyz[:, 1] 

656 ixyz[:, 2] = ishank[ixyz[:, 2], 2] 

657 # if any, remove indices that lie outside of the volume bounds 

658 iok = np.logical_and(0 <= ixyz[:, 0], ixyz[:, 0] < ba.bc.nx) 

659 iok &= np.logical_and(0 <= ixyz[:, 1], ixyz[:, 1] < ba.bc.ny) 

660 iok &= np.logical_and(0 <= ixyz[:, 2], ixyz[:, 2] < 

661 ixyz = ixyz[iok, :] 

662 # get the minimum distance to the trajectory, to which is applied the cosine taper 

663 xyz = np.c_[ba.bc.xscale[ixyz[:, 0]], ba.bc.yscale[ixyz[:, 1]], ba.bc.zscale[ixyz[:, 2]]] 

664 sites_bounds = crawl_up_from_tip( 

665 ins, (np.array([ACTIVE_LENGTH_UM, 0]) + TIP_SIZE_UM) / 1e6) 

666 mdist = ins.trajectory.mindist(xyz, bounds=sites_bounds) 

667 coverage = 1 - fcn_cosine(np.array(dist_fcn) / 1e6)(mdist) 

668 # remap to the coverage volume 

669 flat_ind = ba._lookup_inds(ixyz) 

670 full_coverage[flat_ind] += coverage 


672 full_coverage = full_coverage.reshape(ba.image.shape) 

673 full_coverage[ba.label == 0] = np.nan 

674 return full_coverage, np.mean(xyz, 0), flat_ind 



677def coverage_grid(xyz_channels, spacing=500, ba=None): 


679 if ba is None: 

680 ba = atlas.AllenAtlas() 


682 def _get_scale_and_indices(v, bin, lim): 

683 _lim = [np.min(lim), np.max(lim)] 

684 # if bin is a nonzero scalar, this is a bin size: create scale and indices 

685 if np.isscalar(bin) and bin != 0: 

686 scale = np.arange(_lim[0], _lim[1] + bin / 2, bin) 

687 ind = (np.floor((v - _lim[0]) / bin)).astype(np.int64) 

688 if lim[0] > lim[1]: 

689 scale = scale[::-1] 

690 ind = (scale.size - 1) - ind 

691 # if bin == 0, aggregate over unique values 

692 else: 

693 scale, ind = np.unique(v, return_inverse=True) 

694 return scale, ind 


696 xlim = ba.bc.xlim 

697 ylim = ba.bc.ylim 

698 zlim = ba.bc.zlim 


700 xscale, xind = _get_scale_and_indices(xyz_channels[:, 0], spacing / 1e6, xlim) 

701 yscale, yind = _get_scale_and_indices(xyz_channels[:, 1], spacing / 1e6, ylim) 

702 zscale, zind = _get_scale_and_indices(xyz_channels[:, 2], spacing / 1e6, zlim) 


704 # aggregate by using bincount on absolute indices for a 2d array 

705 nx, ny, nz = [xscale.size, yscale.size, zscale.size] 

706 ind2d = np.ravel_multi_index(np.c_[yind, xind, zind].transpose(), dims=(ny, nx, nz)) 

707 r = np.bincount(ind2d, minlength=nx * ny * nz).reshape(ny, nx, nz) 


709 # Make things analagous to AllenAtlas 

710 dxyz = spacing / 1e6 * np.array([1, -1, -1]) 

711 dims2xyz = np.array([1, 0, 2]) 

712 nxyz = np.array(r.shape)[dims2xyz] 

713 iorigin = (atlas.ALLEN_CCF_LANDMARKS_MLAPDV_UM['bregma'] / spacing) 


715 bc = atlas.BrainCoordinates(nxyz=nxyz, xyz0=(0, 0, 0), dxyz=dxyz) 

716 bc = atlas.BrainCoordinates(nxyz=nxyz, xyz0=- bc.i2xyz(iorigin), dxyz=dxyz) 


718 return r, bc