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1#!/usr/bin/env python 

2# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 

3# @Author: Niccolò Bonacchi 

4# @Date: Friday, October 9th 2020, 12:02:56 pm 

5import json 

6import random 

7import string 

8import logging 

9from pathlib import Path 


11from one.registration import RegistrationClient 


13from import session_params 


15_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 



18def create_fake_session_folder( 

19 root_data_path, lab="fakelab", mouse="fakemouse", date="1900-01-01", num="001", increment=True 


21 root_data_path = Path(root_data_path) 1adbefcgh

22 session_path = root_data_path / lab / "Subjects" / mouse / date / num 1adbefcgh

23 if session_path.exists() and increment: 1adbefcgh

24 num = str(int(num) + 1).zfill(3) 1abc

25 return create_fake_session_folder( 1abc

26 root_data_path, lab=lab, mouse=mouse, date=date, num=num, increment=increment 

27 ) 

28 session_path = root_data_path / lab / "Subjects" / mouse / date / num 1adbefcgh


30 session_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) 1adbefcgh

31 return session_path 1adbefcgh



34def create_fake_raw_ephys_data_folder(session_path, populate=True): 

35 """create_fake_raw_ephys_data_folder creates raw_ephys_data folder 

36 can populate with empty files with expected names 


38 :param session_path: [description] 

39 :type session_path: [type] 

40 :param populate: [description], defaults to True 

41 :type populate: bool, optional 

42 :return: [description] 

43 :rtype: [type] 

44 """ 

45 session_path = Path(session_path) 1ai

46 raw_ephys_data_path = session_path / "raw_ephys_data" 1ai

47 raw_ephys_data_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) 1ai

48 if populate: 1ai

49 file_list = [ 1ai

50 "probe00/_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.imec0.sync.npy", 

51 "probe00/_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.imec0.lf.meta", 

52 "probe00/_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.imec0.ap.cbin", 

53 "probe00/_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.imec0.timestamps.npy", 

54 "probe00/_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.imec0.lf.cbin", 

55 "probe00/", 

56 "probe00/_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.imec0.wiring.json", 

57 "probe00/_spikeglx_sync.times.probe00.npy", 

58 "probe00/_spikeglx_sync.channels.probe00.npy", 

59 "probe00/_spikeglx_sync.polarities.probe00.npy", 

60 "probe01/_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.imec1.sync.npy", 

61 "probe01/_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.imec1.lf.meta", 

62 "probe01/_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.imec1.timestamps.cbin", 

63 "probe01/_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.imec1.ap.cbin", 

64 "probe01/_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.imec1.lf.cbin", 

65 "probe01/", 

66 "probe01/_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.imec1.wiring.json", 

67 "probe02/_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.imec.ap.meta", # 3A 

68 "probe02/_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.imec.lf.meta", 

69 "probe02/_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.imec.ap.bin", 

70 "probe02/_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.imec.lf.bin", 

71 "_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.nidq.sync.npy", 

72 "_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.nidq.meta", 

73 "_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.nidq.cbin", 

74 "", 

75 "_spikeglx_ephysData_g0_t0.wiring.json", 

76 ] 

77 for f in file_list: 1ai

78 fpath = raw_ephys_data_path / Path(f) 1ai

79 fpath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) 1ai

80 fpath.touch() 1ai


82 return session_path 1ai



85def populate_raw_spikeglx(session_path, 

86 model='3B', legacy=False, user_label='my_run', n_probes=2): 

87 """ 

88 Touch file tree to emulate files saved by SpikeGLX 

89 :param session_path: The raw ephys data path to place files 

90 :param model: Probe model file structure ('3A' or '3B') 

91 :param legacy: If true, emulate older SpikeGLX version where all files are saved 

92 into a single folder 

93 :param user_label: User may input any name into SpikeGLX and filenames will include this 

94 :param n_probes: Number of probe datafiles to touch 

95 :return: 


97 Examples: 

98 populate_raw_spikeglx('3A_folder', model='3A', legacy=True, n_probes=1) 

99 3A_folder 

100 └───raw_ephys_folder 

101 my_run_probe00_g0_t0.imec.ap.bin 

102 my_run_probe00_g0_t0.imec.ap.meta 

103 my_run_probe00_g0_t0.imec.lf.bin 

104 my_run_probe00_g0_t0.imec.lf.meta 


106 populate_raw_spikeglx('3B_folder', model='3B', n_probes=3) 

107 3B_folder 

108 └───my_run_g0_t0 

109 my_run_g0_t0.imec0.ap.bin 

110 my_run_g0_t0.imec0.ap.meta 

111 my_run_g0_t0.imec0.lf.bin 

112 my_run_g0_t0.imec0.lf.meta 

113 my_run_g0_t0.imec1.ap.bin 

114 my_run_g0_t0.imec1.ap.meta 

115 my_run_g0_t0.imec1.lf.bin 

116 my_run_g0_t0.imec1.lf.meta 

117 my_run_g0_t0.imec2.ap.bin 

118 my_run_g0_t0.imec2.ap.meta 

119 my_run_g0_t0.imec2.lf.bin 

120 my_run_g0_t0.imec2.lf.meta 

121 my_run_g0_t0.nidq.bin 

122 my_run_g0_t0.nidq.meta 


124 See also: 

125 """ 

126 for i in range(n_probes): 

127 label = (user_label + f'_probe{i:02}') if legacy and model == '3A' else user_label 

128 root = session_path.joinpath('raw_ephys_folder' if legacy else f'{user_label}_g0_t0') 

129 root.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) 

130 for ext in ('meta', 'bin'): 

131 for freq in ('lf', 'ap'): 

132 filename = f'{label}_g0_t0.imec{i if model == "3B" else ""}.{freq}.{ext}' 

133 root.joinpath(filename).touch() 

134 if model == '3B': 

135 root.joinpath(f'{label}_g0_t0.nidq.{ext}').touch() 



138def create_fake_raw_video_data_folder(session_path, populate=True, write_pars_stub=False): 

139 """ 

140 Create the folder structure for a raw video session with three cameras. 

141 Creates a raw_video_data folder and optionally, touches some files and writes a experiment 

142 description stub to a _devices folder. 


144 Parameters 

145 ---------- 

146 session_path : str, pathlib.Path 

147 The session path in which to create the folders. 

148 populate : bool 

149 If true, touch some raw video files. 

150 write_pars_stub : bool, str, dict 

151 If true, write an experiment description stub containing behaviour settings. If a string, 

152 the stub filename will contain this. If a dict, the key is used as the filename; the value, 

153 the file contents. 


155 Example 

156 ------- 

157 >>> create_fake_raw_video_data_folder(session_path, populate=False, write_pars_stub=False) 

158 >>> create_fake_raw_video_data_folder(session_path, write_pars_stub='hostname_19826354') 

159 """ 

160 session_path = Path(session_path) 1abc

161 raw_video_data_path = session_path / "raw_video_data" 1abc

162 raw_video_data_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) 1abc

163 if populate: 1abc

164 file_list = [ 1abc

165 "_iblrig_leftCamera.raw.mp4", 

166 "_iblrig_rightCamera.raw.mp4", 

167 "_iblrig_bodyCamera.raw.mp4", 

168 "_iblrig_leftCamera.timestamps.ssv", 

169 "_iblrig_rightCamera.timestamps.ssv", 

170 "_iblrig_bodyCamera.timestamps.ssv", 

171 "_iblrig_leftCamera.GPIO.bin", 

172 "_iblrig_rightCamera.GPIO.bin", 

173 "_iblrig_bodyCamera.GPIO.bin", 

174 "_iblrig_leftCamera.frame_counter.bin", 

175 "_iblrig_rightCamera.frame_counter.bin", 

176 "_iblrig_bodyCamera.frame_counter.bin", 

177 "", 

178 ] 

179 for f in file_list: 1abc

180 fpath = raw_video_data_path / Path(f) 1abc

181 fpath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) 1abc

182 fpath.touch() 1abc


184 if write_pars_stub: 1abc

185 if isinstance(write_pars_stub, dict): 

186 (name, data), = write_pars_stub.items() 

187 else: 

188 name = write_pars_stub if isinstance(write_pars_stub, str) else 'video' 

189 d = {'collection': 'raw_video_data', 'sync_label': 'frame2ttl'} 

190 data = { 

191 'devices': {'cameras': {k: d.copy() for k in ('body', 'left', 'right')}}, 

192 'version': session_params.SPEC_VERSION 

193 } 

194 file_device = session_path.joinpath(f'_ibl_experiment.description_{name}.yaml') 

195 file_device.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True) 

196 session_params.write_yaml(file_device, data) 

197 return raw_video_data_path 1abc



200def create_fake_alf_folder_dlc_data(session_path, populate=True): 

201 session_path = Path(session_path) 

202 alf_path = session_path / "alf" 

203 alf_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) 

204 if populate: 

205 file_list = [ 

206 "_ibl_leftCamera.dlc.pqt", 

207 "_ibl_rightCamera.dlc.pqt", 

208 "_ibl_bodyCamera.dlc.pqt", 

209 "_ibl_leftCamera.times.npy", 

210 "_ibl_rightCamera.times.npy", 

211 "_ibl_bodyCamera.times.npy", 

212 "_ibl_leftCamera.features.npy", 

213 "_ibl_rightCamera.features.npy", 

214 ] 

215 for f in file_list: 

216 fpath = alf_path / Path(f) 

217 fpath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) 

218 fpath.touch() 



221def create_fake_raw_behavior_data_folder( 

222 session_path, populate=True, task="ephysCW", folder="raw_behavior_data", write_pars_stub=False 


224 """Create the folder structure for a raw behaviour session. 


226 Creates a raw_behavior_data folder and optionally, touches some files and writes an experiment 

227 description stub to a `_devices` folder. 


229 Parameters 

230 ---------- 

231 session_path : pathlib.Path 

232 The session path in which to create the folders. 

233 populate : bool 

234 If true, touch some raw behaviour files. 

235 task : str 

236 The name of the task protocol, if 'ephys' or 'passive' extra files are touched. 

237 write_pars_stub : bool, str, dict 

238 If true, write an experiment description stub containing behaviour settings. If a string, 

239 the stub will be named as such. If a dict, the key is used as the filename; the value, 

240 the file contents. 


242 Returns 

243 ------- 

244 pathlib.Path 

245 The raw behaviour data path. 

246 """ 

247 raw_behavior_data_path = session_path / folder 1adbefcgh

248 raw_behavior_data_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) 1adbefcgh

249 ephysCW = [ 1adbefcgh

250 "_iblrig_ambientSensorData.raw.jsonable", 

251 "_iblrig_encoderEvents.raw.ssv", 

252 "_iblrig_encoderPositions.raw.ssv", 

253 "_iblrig_encoderTrialInfo.raw.ssv", 

254 "_iblrig_micData.raw.wav", 

255 "_iblrig_stimPositionScreen.raw.csv", 

256 "_iblrig_syncSquareUpdate.raw.csv", 

257 "", 

258 "_iblrig_taskData.raw.jsonable", 

259 "_iblrig_taskSettings.raw.json", 

260 "online_plot.png", 

261 ] 

262 passiveCW = [ 1adbefcgh

263 "_iblrig_encoderEvents.raw.ssv", 

264 "_iblrig_encoderPositions.raw.ssv", 

265 "_iblrig_encoderTrialInfo.raw.ssv", 

266 "_iblrig_RFMapStim.raw.bin", 

267 "_iblrig_stimPositionScreen.raw.csv", 

268 "_iblrig_syncSquareUpdate.raw.csv", 

269 "", 

270 "_iblrig_taskSettings.raw.json", 

271 ] 


273 if populate: 1adbefcgh

274 file_list = [] 1adbefcgh

275 if "ephys" in task: 1adbefcgh

276 file_list = ephysCW 1adbefcgh

277 elif "passive" in task: 

278 file_list = passiveCW 

279 (session_path / "passive_data_for_ephys.flag").touch() 

280 else: 

281 print(f"Not implemented: Task {task}") 


283 for f in file_list: 1adbefcgh

284 fpath = raw_behavior_data_path / Path(f) 1adbefcgh

285 fpath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) 1adbefcgh

286 fpath.touch() 1adbefcgh


288 if write_pars_stub: 1adbefcgh

289 if isinstance(write_pars_stub, dict): 

290 (name, data), = write_pars_stub.items() 

291 else: 

292 name = write_pars_stub if isinstance(write_pars_stub, str) else 'behaviour' 

293 data = { 

294 'devices': {'microphone': {'microphone': {'collection': folder, 'sync_label': None}}}, 

295 'procedures': ['Behavior training/tasks'], 

296 'projects': ['ibl_neuropixel_brainwide_01'], 

297 'tasks': [{task: {'collection': folder}}], 

298 'version': session_params.SPEC_VERSION 

299 } 

300 if 'ephys' in task: 

301 data['tasks'][0][task]['sync_label'] = 'frame2ttl' 

302 else: 

303 data['sync'] = {'bpod': {'collection': 'raw_behavior_data', 'extension': 'jsonable'}} 

304 data['tasks'][0][task]['sync_label'] = 'bpod' 


306 file_device = session_path.joinpath(f'_ibl_experiment.description_{name}.yaml') 

307 file_device.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True) 

308 session_params.write_yaml(file_device, data) 


310 return raw_behavior_data_path 1adbefcgh



313def populate_task_settings(fpath: Path, patch: dict): 

314 """ 

315 Populate a task settings JSON file. 


317 Parameters 

318 ---------- 

319 fpath : pathlib.Path 

320 A path to a raw task settings folder or the full settings file path. 

321 patch : dict 

322 The settings dict to write to file. 


324 Returns 

325 ------- 

326 pathlib.Path 

327 The full settings file path. 

328 """ 

329 if fpath.is_dir(): 1akl

330 fpath /= '_iblrig_taskSettings.raw.json' 

331 with'w') as f: 1akl

332 json.dump(patch, f, indent=1) 1akl

333 return fpath 1akl



336def create_fake_complete_ephys_session( 

337 root_data_path, lab="fakelab", mouse="fakemouse", date="1900-01-01", num="001", increment=True 


339 session_path = create_fake_session_folder( 

340 root_data_path, lab=lab, mouse=mouse, date=date, num=num, increment=increment 

341 ) 

342 _mouse, _date, _num =[-3:] 

343 create_fake_raw_ephys_data_folder(session_path, populate=True) 

344 create_fake_raw_video_data_folder(session_path, populate=True) 

345 create_fake_raw_behavior_data_folder(session_path, populate=True, task="ephys") 

346 create_fake_raw_behavior_data_folder( 

347 session_path, populate=True, task="passive", folder="raw_passive_data" 

348 ) 

349 fpath = Path(session_path) / "raw_passive_data" / "_iblrig_taskSettings.raw.json" 

350 passive_settings = { 


352 f"C:\\some\\root\\folder\\Subjects\\{_mouse}\\{_date}\\{_num}" 

353 } 

354 populate_task_settings(fpath, passive_settings) 

355 if session_path.joinpath("passive_data_for_ephys.flag").exists(): 

356 session_path.joinpath("passive_data_for_ephys.flag").unlink() 


358 return session_path 



361def create_fake_ephys_recording_bad_passive_transfer_sessions( 

362 root_data_path, lab="fakelab", mouse="fakemouse", date="1900-01-01", num="001", increment=True 


364 session_path = create_fake_session_folder( 

365 root_data_path, lab=lab, mouse=mouse, date=date, num=num, increment=increment 

366 ) 

367 _mouse, _date, _num =[-3:] 

368 create_fake_raw_ephys_data_folder(session_path, populate=True) 

369 create_fake_raw_video_data_folder(session_path, populate=True) 

370 create_fake_raw_behavior_data_folder(session_path, populate=True, task="ephys") 


372 passive_session_path = create_fake_session_folder( 

373 root_data_path, lab=lab, mouse=mouse, date=date, num=num, increment=increment 

374 ) 

375 create_fake_raw_behavior_data_folder(passive_session_path, populate=True, task="passive") 

376 fpath = Path(passive_session_path) / "raw_behavior_data" / "_iblrig_taskSettings.raw.json" 

377 passive_settings = { 


379 f"C:\\some\\root\\folder\\Subjects\\{_mouse}\\{_date}\\{_num}" 

380 } 

381 populate_task_settings(fpath, passive_settings) 


383 return session_path, passive_session_path 



386def register_new_session(one, subject=None, date=None): 

387 """ 

388 Register a new test session. 


390 NB: This creates the session path on disk, using `one.cache_dir`. 


392 Parameters 

393 ---------- 

394 one : one.api.OneAlyx 

395 An instance of ONE. 

396 subject : str 

397 The subject name. If None, a new random subject is created. 

398 date : str 

399 An ISO date string. If None, a random one is created. 


401 Returns 

402 ------- 

403 pathlib.Path 

404 New local session path. 

405 uuid.UUID 

406 The experiment UUID. 

407 """ 

408 if not date: 1aj

409 date = f'20{random.randint(0, 99):02}-{random.randint(1, 12):02}-{random.randint(1, 28):02}' 1aj

410 if not subject: 1aj

411 subject = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=10)) 

412'subjects', 'create', data={'lab': 'mainenlab', 'nickname': subject}) 


414 session_path, eid = RegistrationClient(one).create_new_session(subject, date=str(date)[:10]) 1aj

415 _logger.debug('Registered session %s with eid %s', session_path, eid) 1aj

416 return session_path, eid 1aj